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Through the pain, I created a small ball of light and placed it on my injury, stopping the blood that began to seep into the corset of my dress. It hurt unbelievably, but the wound sealed. "Much better," I mumbled through gritted teeth as the aftershock of healing receded slowly.

I raised my sword from the ground and readied myself into a fighting stance as more shadow guards lunged for a potential kill.

Several guards and near-death experiences later, Oltan and I cornered Killian as he remained incapacitated by the giant wolf on top of him. "Give up, Shends. We have you defeated."

Killian rose and began to summon his shadow sword again. But the summoning was disrupted by a silver dagger being thrown directly into the palm of Killian's hand. There was a momentary pause of surprise throughout everyone. Neither Edwin nor I had a dagger, so we looked at Oltan, who had anger in his eyes and his right arm in a throwing position.


He ignored my call and stepped toward Killian. "You are powerless now. Don't try anything else if you wish to keep anything else."

Killian glared and struggled to stand while he cradled the dagger-stabbed hand close to his chest. Dark, inky blood pooled from the wound, but that didn't hinder the man. He went forward to attack in close combat as he dug a dagger out of the inner lining of his dark suit and ran towards us.

Edwin quickly became a hawk and flew around Killian's head, slashing and scratching anything not covered with clothing. Oltan had his sword raised and prepared for attack. I had my hands raised and designed to attack.

Killian was slowed down by Edwin's aerial strikes, but the magic user was insistent on killing one of the three of us. When Edwin backed away to get more space, Killian grabbed the dagger that Oltan threw directly through his palm and pulled it out with an agonizing scream of pain.

Now armed with two daggers, Killian swatted away Edwin's bird form and kicked Oltan into the ground, drawing Oltan unconscious. He finally stood against me, a victorious smirk marked on the blood-tinted skin and his timbre expression. "It's the final battle, Princess. The battle of light and dark that was written by the fates all those many years ago has finally come to a conclusion." Killian spoke, "Darkness always prevails."

"But shadows don't appear without light," I commented, not before bringing the string of light forward in a sword-like position.

Killian slowly walked towards me but slowly sped his pace until he was at a sprint, both daggers stretched in a stab.

I stood my ground and waited for the perfect moment as Killian grew closer. Edwin kept saying things about drawing back, but I refused to. Killian stood only a few feet now, and I raised my hands higher, closing my eyes in fear of what would be on the other side.

There was a sound of metal hitting the skin and a flash of bright grey light, but I didn't feel any pain. I opened my eyes, scanned myself to check for any more injuries, and immediately turned to check Edwin, who stood in shock. He looked fine, minus getting spooked. Then I looked at Oltan, who looked fine except for being unconscious.

I then turned to my front, where Killian had previously stood. All that was left of Killian was his darkened crown, a note, and a pile of black ash.

I cautiously stepped forward and grabbed the note:

Dear Princess Evalyn,

Thank you for stopping and correcting a mistake I made long ago.

With the reign of Killian Shends finally over, Astosta may return to normal. His curse on your parents should be broken in a fortnight or less.

Killian shall finally be free from his corrupt curse and be reunited with his family, which had been separated for far too long.

Thank you again, Evalyn.


"What is it?" Edwin asked. Standing beside me as I analyzed the letter once again.

I turned to look at my twin, still stuck in a shocked gaze but slowly returning to normal. "It's a letter from Dekros."


" He inquired.

"Righting a wrong."


Kayden quickly ran into the Ballroom, followed by a frantic Liana. "Ce qui s'est passé?!" The siblings asked in unison.

"Nous allons bien, grâce à Evalyn." Edwin responded. I looked at my twin with a bewildered look.

"You know Brudaneese?"

He nodded. "Father taught me. He was going to teach you, but things... happened."

I nodded slowly, and then a thought appeared in my head. "The note! It's said that the mother and father's curse should be broken. Edi, we can see our parents again."

Edwin stepped forward, "Their curse is broken?"

I nodded. "They're coming home."

Edwin ran forward and hugged me until our chests heaved with a light joyfulness neither of us had felt in a long time. Our kingdom was freed from Killian, The Onyx had been disemployed, and we would see our parents again after months of separation.

"What does this mean for us? Do we go our separate ways and return to Eldour?" Liana asked curiously.

Edwin and I glanced at each other with matching grins. "Actually, I think we have a better idea."


Days passed by, and slowly, the kingdom had returned to a bit more than normal; Edwin and I's parents returned to the palace in total health after being cursed into shadows. They were in a complete panic as they surveyed the palace's destruction and lack of staff and gained even more fear as Kayden and Oltan explained all the events since their terrible curse. Everything was explained in complete detail, including the destruction of towns and cities, the kidnapping of our group, and the pain we all went through as we traveled through Astosta.

Mother held Edwin and me in a tight, motherly embrace as she quietly sobbed into our shoulders.

Father stood stiffly as Oltan and Kayden resolved their story about how Killian and his shadow army were defeated. He remained stoic and didn't dare to speak for several minutes afterward. He paced the throne room where we all conjugated.

"Well." Father began. "I suppose a proper thank you is in order. How would you feel about a royal ball held in your honor?" He asked.

Kayden chuckled, "We would be honored, your majesty, but do we have to fight any shadows? If so, I think I'll pass."

Father thundered a loud laugh that shook the throne room in a cheerful banter. "Mr. Alinac, I assure you there will be no more shadow armies."

I turned to look at Oltan, who had a nervous look. I nodded a look of comfort to him, and he visibly relaxed; shoulders dropped, and a soft exhale released. "Your majesty, I have a few more requests, if that's okay."

Father nodded and beckoned Oltan to the balcony on the room's left.

"I'm so glad you two are okay." Mother whispered again before releasing us and stepping towards Kayden and Liana, the latter staying quiet from awe. "Thank you for protecting my children. May Astosta's fates bless you two." She said in praise.

Kayden and Liana bowed, and Mother pranced forward to embrace them. When Mother stepped away, Liana almost melted into a puddle of overwhelming joy; she had a large smile, and tears bubbled under her eyes.

Soon after, Father and Oltan returned from the balcony with matching smiles. "I will try to arrange something for your ailing mother. As for the other thing you mentioned, I hope you will make her happy; I can see from how you look at each other that you care deeply for one another and would do anything to protect them. I allow you to court Evalyn."

Oltan's face brightened, and a light blush dusted his cheeks, as well as mine. "T-thank you, your majesty."

Father smiled and patted Oltan's shoulder before returning to the group and thanking them individually.

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