21: Baislewealth's Inn

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Spending a full day on top of a saddle hurts considerably more than one would think

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Spending a full day on top of a saddle hurts considerably more than one would think. I sat impatiently on top of my horse, Matcha, while we continued to gallop toward the faint outline of a small town.

"You know, you're lucky you can shift into animals," I complained, glancing at the small wolf prancing along the dirt path beside Matcha's hooves.

"While I have to sit here and get saddle sores." I looked at the wolf, whose snout was upturned in an almost smile.

Matcha scoffed below me, her head tugging slightly against the reins as if horse language for 'how dare you to insult your noble steed!'

Edwin went from wolf to a small red cardinal, then flew around my head and into the tree tops above and into Edwin, who show-stoppingly landed onto the black leather saddle behind me in amusement. "Show-off," I mumbled.

"Admit it, that was cool," Edwin said, lightly kicking the sides of my horse to make her increase the gait.

"No, you're a show-off."

Edwin rolled his eyes, sliding back off the saddle and moving ahead as a large brown eagle, and raced ahead of me. I urged my horse to move forward in a gallop, and race toward the boy.

Edwin saw me gaining on him, and rushed faster, not wanting to back down from the challenge, I sped forward. Slowing to a canter, I paced beside my brother. "I win."

"Sure," Edwin said, sighing in defeat as his normal form walked beside me once I tread down to a steady foxtrot. The path became silent for a while until Edwin finally spoke again after several minutes.

"Hey, we were in a bit of a rush at the stables, will you finally tell me where we're going?"

"We are going to Eldour, there are people there who can help," I explained.

"Who?" Edwin questioned.

"It doesn't matter," I answered quickly. "We make it to Eldour, then we can get the help we need to get rid of Killian once and for all," I said, speeding ahead and into the boundaries of the small town.

Dozens of red bricks and brown and cream exterior walls cornered the street. "Eva, where are we?" Edwin ran next to me. "I don't know, but I am sure someone here could help."

"While we search, can we get some food? I haven't eaten all day!" Edwin complained, dramatically leaning his head backward with his curly hair falling onto his forehead and into his eyes.

"Unless you brought some with you, no. However, to answer our other problem, I think I found a sign over there." I said, reaching my hand toward the silhouette of a sign with slightly blurred words. "Come on!" I yelled, riding towards the sign.

As I reached the sign, the outline of faded words stretched along the light yellow wood used to create the aging sign. "Caelfall? I don't recall that name on any of the maps."

"That's because it was removed from maps after Naimore started growing." An unknown voice said.

I turned around and saw a short lady in a denim dress with pinned brown hair and a cheerful smile standing in the center of the road. "Sorry to spook you my dear, but I saw you and your friend looking at the sign and thought I would come and say hi."

"Oh, uh, thank you. Why was the town removed?" Edwin asked, walking closer to the mysterious lady. I followed his actions and shakily stood on the road in front of the mysterious lady.

"The Naimore has been expanding in size, as almost all of the Astostians here know. Well, as the woods continue to grow, parts of the woods die out and leave ruins and destruction in their wake.

This town used to be the palace's largest export of fabrics and linen, but since the runes stopped functioning, and the Naimore took over, this happened." The woman explained, stretching her arms to reveal the ruins of the town. "A few others and I have stayed behind in hopes that we can repair the town, but it's not going well." The lady chuckled slightly.

"Would you two like to come inside and rest? I can see your friend here is exhausted."

I glanced at Edwin, who was nodding his head furiously. "I appreciate your offer, but I think we will be okay on our own. '' I didn't trust this lady, but it did seem like she had pleasant offers.

"If you're sure, you can always stay at Baislewealth's Inn. It's one of the few things that are still standing in these ruins."

"I can assure you that we are perfectly fine, thank you though," I said, grabbing Edwin's arm, and dragging him towards Matcha.

"Which way is Eldour?" I asked, settling myself back onto the black leather saddle on top of my horse's back.

"About a day or two on horseback going south. The trail should lead you directly to the outskirts. But please be careful dear, the Naimore is rapidly growing, and that horrid group that stalks the Naimore is acting more suspicious each day."

"The Onyx? They're here?" Edwin asks shakily.

"They have been here since Naimore started growing."

"Do you know what they want?" I asked.

"I don't, but it's not safe to talk about it in the open. Would you please come inside and warm yourselves up? You two must be freezing."

I thought for a few seconds before sighing and giving in to the offer, "Fine, we accept your gracious offer," I admitted, landing on the ground from the saddle.

The lady smiled warmly before signaling a nearby stablehand to take my horse. I handed the reins of Matcha's headstall to the stablehand and followed Edwin into a large cream-paneled building.

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