After a minute or two, April and Frida had entered, the former merely smiling and the latter as confused as can be.
". . Why are you on the floor?" Frida questioned, watching as April patted her shoulder and joined the hug as well.
"Well why not?" April countered, shrugging. "It's fun!"
"Yeah trippy, you should join us." The slider grinned, drooping over the elder brother's shoulder casually. He snickered when the strange turtle rolled her eyes.
"For the last time, we aren't triplets, it's damn near impossible." She huffed, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "And besides, it would just be. . Awkward, if I joined. Have fun on the floor, though, I suppose." She turned and left, earning a frown from almost everyone.
"Ah, she'll come through. I just know we gotta be triplets. I can feel it in my bones." Leo said nonchalantly, sliding off Raph's shoulder and sitting up. "So! What should we do? Since we already went through some training today and such. Should we. . Train more?" Leo asked, not completely sure of what to do.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I know! I know! What if we all go to a restaurant? We sure need some food after all of this emotional stuff. Especially since some of you forgot to eat breakfast this morning—" Mikey suggested enthusiastically.
"Hmm. . I suppose we could. Big Mama, do you know of any reliable restaurants in the hidden city?" Splinter turned to Big Mama, tilting his head slightly as his ear flicked.
"Oh, certainly! What is a cimbly-city without its remarkable restaurants?" She smiled, nodding and clasping her hands.
"Bingo, alright what kind of food're we craving then?" Leo spoke up. "I'm kinda craving some tacos."

"I dimbly-don't mind, I'll eat anything, really." Big Mama replied, shaking her head.
"I'm kinda craving some pizza, but anything works." Mikey smiled. Splinter nodded in agreement with the duo.
"Well, that just leaves you bossman. What do ya want?" Leo turned to Raph, who rubbed his chin in thought.
The snapper hummed, his snaggletooth digging into his chin for a moment in thought. He suddenly had an idea, brightening a bit. "What 'bout a buffet? They have all sorts of food at those." He suggested with a smile.

"Ooh! Yeah good idea, Raphie!" Mikey jumped onto his shell, wrapping his arms underneath the snapper's chin and smiling.
"Heck yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Leo grinned, playfully slugging him in the shoulder.
"Thanks. At least this way we all get what we want. Mikey can get 'is pizza, Leo can get his tacos, and you two can get whatever seems good." The large turtle stated matter-of-factly, proud of his suggestion.
"Alright! Road trip!" Leo smiled, chanting as he began to stand and walk out.
Mikey followed behind, chanting: "Road trip! Road trip! Road trip!" As they marched down the corridors.

"Hey, uh, Pops? Imma go and see if Frida's down to come with. I'll be right back." Raph said, turning to the two adults as he made his way out. His tail flicked behind him.
"Alright, she's in the room beside Donatello's, just remember." The rat replied, earning a prompt nod from the snapper before he went to go and get Frida to make sure she was alright with it all.
Big Mama and Splinter followed after the two boys that were still chanting, chuckling softly as they watched them.

"I'm glad they can still find ways to be kids, even after all that's happened." Splinter sighed calmly.
"Indeedy, you raised them right." Big Mama smiled softly, nodding in agreement.
"Thanks, but. . I can't take much credit. . It was Red who took care of them during my depressive episodes. He was always there for them, and even me when I was down. He's a good kid, and I'm proud of him." He corrected, shaking his head lightly. "I just wish I could have done better. . ." Splinter muttered soon after.

She hummed, nodding as she thought about what he said. "Well, now you can. I'm sure they still love you an endless amount. . Even purpley-boo." She attempted to reassure him, speaking slowly.
"I do not think Purple loves me quite as much as he loves you." Splinter shook his head solemnly and looked up at her.
"I'm sure he does, he just got caught up in his desire for parental praise." She replied, chuckling softly, drily. "He doesn't quite like me, anymore, I'm sure. ." Her smile lowered a bit, shaking her head to discard that train of thought. "Although, I would suggest giving him affirmations and validation more once we bring him home, it would certainly help to restore your father-son relationship. Especially since he told me that you have not yet given him any." She began to walk ahead, attempting to catch up with the boys who were nearly sprinting towards the elevator by now in an attempt to race.

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