We're No Good at Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

The satyrs all stood respectfully and bowed as he approached. Dionysus waved his hand, and a new chair grew out of the ground next to Silenus's—a throne made of grapevines.

Dionysus sat down and crossed his legs. He snapped his fingers and satyr hurried forward with a plate of cheese and crackers and a Diet Coke.

The god of wine looked around at the assembled crowd.

Mr. D: Miss me?

The satyrs fell over themselves nodding and bowing.

Mr. D: Well, I did not miss this place! I bear bad news, my friends. Evil news. The minor gods are changing sides. Morpheus has gone over to the enemy. Hecate, Janus, and Nemesis, as well. Zeus knows how many more.

Thunder rumbled in the distance.

Mr. D: Strike that. Even Zeus doesn't know. Now, I want to hear Grover's story. Again, from the top.

Silenus: But, my lord. It's just nonsense!

Dionysus's eyes flared with purple fire.

Mr. D: I have just learned that my son Castor is dead, Silenus. I am not in a good mood. You would do well to humor me.

Silenus gulped, and waved at Grover to start again.

When Grover was done, Mr. D nodded.

Mr. D: It sounds like just the sort of thing Pan would do. Grover is right. The search is tiresome. You must start thinking for yourselves. (turns to a satyr) Bring me some peeled grapes, right away!

Satyr: Yes, sire!

The satyr scampered off.

Silenus: We must exile the traitor!

Mr. D: I say no. That is my vote.

Chiron: I vote no as well.

Dionysus then addressed Theo and Zoe.

Mr. D: What say you, children of Artemis? As the spawn of the goddess of nature, I'd venture a guess that your votes count as well.

Theo and Zoe looked at each other and nodded before looking back the Mr. D.

Zoe: We vote no as well.

Silenus: All in favor of exile?

Silenus and five other old satyrs raised their hands.

Silenus: Six to five.

Mr. D: Ah, yes. But unfortunately for you, a god's vote counts twice. And as I voted against, we are tied.

Silenus: This is an outrage! The council cannot stand at an impasse.

Mr. D: Then let it be dissolved! I don't care.

Silenus: Absolutely not! If only young Eric was still alive...

Theo: He'd have to be held back from punching those horns off your fucking head!

Everyone looked at Theo, who was glaring at Silenus while clenching his fists, while Annabeth held his hand and Diego (still in his armor, minus the helmet) growled next to him. Theo gently freed himself from Annabeth's grasp before walking towards Silenus along with Diego.

Theo: If you really think that Eric would seriously take your side in this, then you're just a deluded asshole. So, keep his name out of your damn mouth!

Silenus: This does not concern you.

Diego roared loudly, making Silenus flinch.

Theo: This started to concern me the second you started talking shit. Grover is as brave and hardworking of a satyr as Eric was. Grover could've just given up and not come down to the Labyrinth with us, and we wouldn't have held it against him, because we know how much satyrs get scared when it comes to going underground. But guess what? He did. He put all of his fears aside because he knew that there was a chance that he could find Pan. And guess what? The gamble paid off! He found Pan. He wanted to bring the Wild God here to camp so that he could prove you all wrong, but you know what Pan said? He said that your stubbornness only delayed the inevitable. He said that he should've died when he had told that sailor to tell the world that the great god Pan is dead 2000 years ago. Look, I can admire your dedication, but...Pan has been found. And now he must be released. So, please, let him be released. Just one last act of service for the Wild God.

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