The Fall || CH.8

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//- 3rd person view -\\

-Nathan left. Ilicia stayed, all alone she stood.-
    She felt proud about herself looking at the pool of blood that came from Nathan.
    "How adorable, he can't even face me."
She said to herself while in the dark emptiness of her realm.

    Nathan set himself somewhere else far from Ilicia, hyperventilating.
    "What did I do for me to be drained of blood? Am I still even her assistant anymore or just her playtoy, but whatever. She'll get her karma sooner or later anyways."
He calmed down for a while then wondered of Spidella. Immediately, there was screaming again.
    What was that.
Nathan thought, and got up hesitantly in pain. He stumbled slowly towards the sound clutching his side and leaving a pitiful, sharp black tail of blood following along behind. Dane has already left, and George was still in that room: all alone. Nathan now has to figure out a strategy to make up for it.
    "Never will I after this, shall I forgive such a mistake of her. Working endlessly for that...intolerable dick-rider."
    Minutes after, Ilicia was swinging the sleeves of her robe, all joyous and grinning from ear to ear. Starting to laugh maniacally looking the black pool of liquid: the blood from Nathan. She headed back towards her office where George had been sitting for the last three hours, then she looked once more checking if Nathan was in sight. Ilicia didn't see him so after five minutes, so she closed the office door, going back to George.
    "So, how is the little piggy doing? Not comfortable right, well...just answer my questions and I'll let you go back to that asshole of a man. So tell me, why do you have such a close bond to him?"
    George kept silent for a while, a long while. It was an excuse to not expose anything personal about Nathan. His face was kept stiff.
    "Not squeaking out a word? I thought that was an easy question to answer, don't make this difficult you pig."
    For a moment, George stared in boredom. Then he spoke.
    "What was your question."
    Ilicia's face brightened in a second. How delighted she felt as she knew this can be her only chance of reaching to Nathan's life and taking his heart by force.
    "You're quite forgetful aren't you? Well, my question did you get so close to Nathan? Tell me every detail on how you guys were."
    "We met fifteen years ago, it was the time Nathan was a full time sheriff and I had just lost my family. I hid in the Naoheilom city mall hoping I'd survive, and hiding behind a shelf. I heard two pairs of footsteps coming towards the room I isolated myself in, and there he was. The door was broken down and he offered help. Nathan was the first person to help me in the infection, and he raised me like I was his own."
    Ilicia grinned even more. George felt suspicion, he felt that she was trying to get something out of this.
    "That's nice of him to do so, but next question, do you know his penis size?"
    George was disgusted. It was only the second question and she is preying on both of them. His eyes widened.
    "What is wrong with you, why would you expect me to know this. Ilicia, you are absolutely disgusting."
    Her grin quickly faded.
    "How could you ask me a question like that you absolute creep. Why would you even need to know what his penis size even is."
    Ilicia started laughing.
    "Hah! Why would I need to know? Why you ask? The reason I need to know about the size of Nathan's penis is, is because I do love him. I don't want him to love his wife, I need him to love me. I've craved for his body and love for so long, I can't resist him. Every time I see him, I just want him to fuck me."
    George looked at Ilicia with pure disgust, then he heard laughter. But it wasn't from her, he looked to the right and there Nathan was, laughing his ass off.
    "You really think I would love you? Did you even consider the age difference between us, I'm thirty two and you're seventy nine. Also, I'd never reveal myself to you, you're a cunning, manipulative, narcissistic, selfish, and a creep of a boss. I would never consider having sexual intimacy with you."
    Nathan slowly walked towards George, he smiled from laughter.
    "You're embarrassing your fucking self, you know I'd never have sex with you. Yet you still crave my body."
    Nathan untied me in the process, gripped my left wrist, and leaned back on her desk.
    "I also know you've had something for kids too, you're a pedophile."
    He let go of George and charged at her, she screamed of surprise. George covered his eyes, he never had heard such noises: cracking bones, flesh tear, and blood squirting everywhere. He lifted his arm down a little, there was that same black blood on his arm. But Nathan was getting his arms drenched in it— He was covered in blood by the time I opened my eyes.
    He finally was done murdering his boss after a while of tearing apart one another, his eyes widen with fury as he looks down at his bosses unconscious body— Nathan finally felt free.
    "Hopefully you don't come back this time you ass-sucker."
    "Augh... You bet I will come back Nathan, and I'll be back worse than ever. Just you wait Nathan... Just you wait."
    "No need..."
    Nathan shoved his hand into her cranium and crushed her brain to slush, it was such an awful and stomach-turning sound. A cunning grin formed on his face as he forced his hand through her skull, making a giant hole through it. He then pulled his hand out of her skull and shook it lightly. He peered his head over his shoulder and stared at George before getting up momentarily and walking to him while still being in his enraged state. George started shivering as Nathan slowly approached him: his footsteps heavy and his eyes lifeless, his hand open— ready to cut anyone— which is spattered with blood. He stared at Nathan as his tall figure stood before him, then moments later... George blacked out again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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