The taste of urgency lingered in the air as our mouths explored each other, our lips moving in a syncopated rhythm. His breath, warm and heavy with desire, mingled with mine, creating a heady concoction that fueled the flames of our shared passion. Our tongues tangled in a desperate dance, seeking and surrendering, a silent plea for more.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as we lost ourselves in the intensity of the kiss. My fingers clawed at his back, a subconscious response to the overwhelming need that pulsed through my veins. Every touch was a declaration of longing, and each caress was a testament to the hunger that consumed them both.

Harry groaned harshly as we finally pulled away, breathless and flushed. The hunger in our eyes spoke of a craving that had only been momentarily satisfied. "Come on, give in," I whispered, grounding my hips on him and hearing him groan harshly.

" Please." I teased and kissed his neck, running my tongue all over. "I need you." I gasped again, rolling my hips on top of him—Harry's nails digging into my skin.

He pulls me away, holding me sternly by his leg. "You want that, don't you?" he teases, "for me to give in so you can act like the whore you are."

humming I nodded "Don't you want to know what I'm capable of?" I pouted and crawled off of Harry, reaching into my bag and pulling out a candle. "Are you going to burn me?" he inquires.

"Do you trust me?" I asked with a slight whisper. Crawling onto him, I was straddling his laps. "With everything in me." Harry whispered, and I smiled. Reaching towards the drawers, I pulled out Harry's lighter. Lighting the end of a candle creates a soothing and intimate atmosphere between the two of us. His room casts a small glow from the candle, and both nightstands light up.

As the flame gently dances at the tip of the candle, it casts a warm, flickering glow that adds a touch of serenity to the surroundings. My eyes watched it slowly melt, and I looked up at Harry. His green eyes possessed a captivating and unique hue that seemed to fall somewhere between the lighter, hazel-like shades and the deeper, more intense emerald tones. The soft illumination creates a calming ambiance between our eyes.

As I carefully dripped the warm wax onto his skin, a shiver of deliciousness ran down my spine as I carefully dripped the warm wax onto his skin. A gentle glow is created by the flickering candlelight, and Harry takes a sharp breath before tightly closing his eyes. As the wax cascades onto the skin, it provides a unique blend of pleasure and pain, which was noticeable on his face.

I smiled, biting down on my lower lip, tilting it slightly, and watching it fall onto his chest. I could sense the initial surprise before a subtle moan escaped his lips. Harry's reactions were a delicate dance between pleasure and the unexpected sensation of heat. The wax flowed smoothly over his skin, leaving behind a temporary, intricate pattern. "Fuck Juliet." He murmured

Lowering myself, I pressed my lips against his skin—over the wax kissing up his chest—and back down, using the candle all over again, watching his reaction. The way his eyes fluttered shut, breathing in deeply as he groaned, hands on my thighs squeezing my skin so sharply, that all the air left my lungs

"I missed you," I whispered. Placing the candle on top of his nightstand, I ran my hands up his chest, cupping his face. "I miss everything about you."

Harry smiled, his thumb brushing across my lips, pushing it into my mouth, and pressing down on my tongue. "Yeah," he responded. "Maybe I do deserve a thank you," I said softly, his eyes lighting up like fireworks.

I closed my mouth around his thumb, my tongue swirling around it, staring at him and fluttering my eyelashes. "Then what exactly are you waiting for?" he asked softly. "For you to give in." I smiled.

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