Avengers: Assemble! Part 2: United They Stand!

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With the team pushing their way through Hydra's forces, James stands by Thor with his energy shield safely on his wrist. He then looked up at the mighty Asgardian while fighting alongside him. "What can you tell us about their plans so far? What exactly do you know?" He asked him while focusing on the battle in front of them.

Thor glanced at him while slamming his new hammer into a larger foe, toppling him down on top of several soldiers. "They have an army from another planet we have not heard of in our lives. They use some highly advanced technology, combining it with your own on this realm." He explained to the best of his abilities.

Deirdre, Ekaterina and Riri all look at the mighty avenger with shock. If he of all people was saying that there were aliens involved, including aliens he didn't know of, it must be pretty big. It was no wonder Asgard fell as quick as it did with such militaristic tactics. "Aliens ...... we're fighting aliens....." Riri mumbled while blasting a ship in the air.

Ekaterina grabbed hold of her batons, twirling them a little while preparing to attack several ahead of her. "Appears not all of them are the aliens. About a 50/50 split. Though they each have different armors." She explained while hitting one of the soldiers with her batons, only to shoot another with her pistol directly in a soldier's head.

Yvonne threw her shield into a tree, which hit a soldier nearby ready to snipe the heroes. She immediately caught it and slammed it into one of Hydra's soldiers. "Though they seem to take hits pretty well..... even for older soldiers." She pointed out seeing some fall to some arrows to the head of chest. "At least we can tell who has the better armor based on the arrows being used." She lightly joked while performing a spin kick on the enemies ahead of her.

Deirdre sliced two more with her axe while using her other hand to hold back a large foe. But immediately when she was done with them, Deirdre punched him, sending him flying back several feet away into a bunker nearby. "Some of the armor does appear thicker than others. Does this mean they will be able to take more damage?" She asked while slamming her axe down, causing many enemies to fall.

Azuri used his agility to dodge gunfire, noticing some of the guns weren't firing actual bullets, but lasers as well. Those would definitely kill if they hit. "There is a chance of that, but it's not too bad yet!" He told them while slicing a soldier with his claws from his makeshift suit. He then grabbed his fake tail and whacked several soldiers with his tail, now turned into a staff.

Meanwhile, the Hulk was throwing tanks into the bunkers, destroying them individually. At the same time, he was charging into some turrets on the ground to give his allies cover and eliminate several of their resources. "Doesn't matter what kind of armor they got. What matters is how badly we destroy what they got!" He told them while he jumped, soon slamming his massive feet into another bunker with several soldiers in it.

Torunn watches ahead as several more start to come out to fight. This confused her, as it would seem that the building shouldn't have this many soldiers emerge at once, let alone contain as many as they had come out so far. "How is it possible they have this many forces at once? They should have far less than this." She asked with some annoyance, slicing through a fighter with her sword.

James threw his energy shield while Yvonne had her shield out, hitting some soldiers along the way. The two catch their respective weapons and run forward. "Based on the research I've done, they could have a lot of clones in the building. Or else they have some coming in from another base, or some just arriving from earlier that we didn't see." He assumed while kicking one into a tree.

Meanwhile, Hawkeye fired some explosive arrows at soldiers that were in turrets, blowing them up to not be used. He then rolled away when some soldiers tried to fire at him and countered with some freeze arrows, containing them in ice. "whatever the case is, we take em down to get our parents back." He said casually while firing an arrow behind him without looking, taking out a bigger soldier with an explosive arrow.

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