"Father." "Mother!" • 23 •

Start from the beginning

Cecilia: Kayden?

Divina and Kent: Father.

With the tanaka's.

River: I still can't believe mommy is gone.

Vivian: and it's the stupid sirens fault.

Kenichi: Now Vivian, it is not all of the Carson's fault, you know that.

Vivian: Sorry daddy

Gianna: She didn't deserve what happened, nether did aunt Ceci, no one deserves death

Zander: That's definitely on the person Gianna but you're right.

Yoko: Well at least that bastard is dead.

??: Watch your language Yoko Akari Tanaka!

Zander and Yoko: Mother!

River, Vivian, and Gianna: Mommy!!

Kenichi: Irene!

Irene: You all didn't really think I was dead right?

The Tanaka family all hugged as mom was finally home and where she belonged with her family. Almost everyone started crying, even Yoko, until a realization hit her.

Yoko: Mom, if you're here then is he here?

Kenichi and Irene immediately realized what Yoko was on about and quickly started looking around the quad for the Carson's.

Back with the Carson's.

Kayden: What so no hug for your old man? (He is talking to the twins.)

Divina: I don't wish to hug you sir.

Kent: Aren't you supposed to be dead.

Kayden: Kent, what's wrong son? We used to be so close and now you seem like you hate me?

Kent: Don't call me your son, you're not my father and I don't want anything to do with you.

Kayden: Look I know I missed a lot of your accomplishments but I want to make up for it, have you gotten a girlfriend yet?

Griffin: Whoa what's uh going on here? Hun you good?

Kent: Everything is fine love but please leave.

Kayden: What so I can't know my sons life anymore?

Griffin: Babe I thought you said your dad was dead?

Kayden: I am very much alive. Who are you and what is your relation to my son?

Griffin: With all due respect sir, I am his boyfriend and you seem to be making him uncomfortable.

Kayden: Huh, so your sister made you a f@g too? You little shit.

He proceeded to punch divina in her gut and kick her down, Kent immediately pulled his father away and took a swing against his jaw sending his father back. Griffin immediately tagged in and shoved Kayden into the wall and they both started trying to land a hit on the other. Divina was on the ground in pain as her mother pulled her in her lap and held her telling her everything was going to be okay, her brother was kneeling beside her making sure she'd be okay while someone came to help. The commotion is heard by the Addams family as Pugsley was on his way to the bathroom when he stumbled onto the scene, he immediately ran to his parents and his sister telling them at something was wrong and a girl was injured, Gianna was by them and heard everything Pugsley said and quickly informed her parents and both families ran to the scene, by this time griffin was unable to keep up anymore and hit the wall hold his mouth as Kayden had finally gotten a hit and sent the poor boy into the wall, Kayden immediately tired to kick divina again only to be pushed back by his ex wife and he retaliated and sent Cecilia into the same wall as griffin, and know he was in a shoving match with his own son when they were broken up by Gomez and Kenichi both holding Kayden back. Kent immediately ran to Griffin and his mother as divina was in the arms of Yoko. Yoko was able to help her stand up but unfortunately Kayden broke out and of the grip both men had him in and charged at divina at full force, punching her in her stomach again, slapped her hard, and proceeded to kick her down again, he tried to struggle her until he was knocked unconscious by Zander hitting him with a candle stick that was on the table. Quickly Gomez, Kenichi, Zander, Kent, and Griffin took Kenichi into a storage closet and barricaded him in there and let Weems know of his presence and what he had done. Morticia was comforting the younger children as they were all terrified of what they saw a father do to his daughter, Irene was helping Cecilia with divina but both were pushed away by an angered and concerned Wednesday and Yoko, just as divina stood up she started coughing uncontrollably and eventually she coughed up blood. In a panicked state her mother immediately took charge of the situation and took Divina and went to the school nurse and after 5 minutes an ambulance arrived and quickly rushed Divina to the hospital. Police was sent to nevermore and took Kayden into custody. Cecilia call Kenichi from the hospital and let him know that divina was going to be okay and that if anyone wanted they could visit her in the hospital. Immediately everyone went to the hospital and raid the hospital gift shop and went straight to Divina's room. Everyone wished for her to get better and Yoko asked everyone for a moment alone with divina.

Yoko: Darling. Be honest please, are you really okay?

Divina: I'm okay love, just a few strained ribs but I'll be okay in no time! I promise!

Yoko: What you're telling me and what I saw are two different things. Is that how he treated you? Is that why you were emotionless growing up?

Divina: Behind a locked door yes, that's the treatment I received from my father, my mother and Kent never knew because he was sneaky and I was scared to tell. But I did if to protect my little brother and because I thought I was protecting my mother, so they could be safe and happy. Kent grew up with a good childhood, that's all that matters to me.

Yoko: But it could have costed your fucking life Divina. I understand that you did it for your family but he was abusing you for I don't even want to guess how many years! You never once thought to run to me for help?

Divina: You hated me as a kid, and I know what I did, never said I was proud of it, but I'd do it all over again, I love my mom and my brother so much and I'd do anything for them. Even if it costs my life, I'd do anything for my family.

Yoko held divina's hand tightly and softly kissing her hand before kissing her, divina kissed her back and slowly rubbed her back as Yoko was hugging her, crying.

A few days go by and Divina was discharged from the hospital and she was allowed to continue her normal life, Kayden was taken to prison as there were records of him being abusive and due to the multiple witnesses, he was sentenced to life prison. Divina did decide to not press charges against her father as he was still her father however Cecilia did in fact press charges getting him more time and the investigation being made to possible put him on death row. Yoko didn't understand why Divina wouldn't press charges against her father but she didn't press divina about it and focused her time between her family and her girlfriend equally. Divina was happy for Yoko, she had her mom back, she knew how much Yoko cared about her mother. She was happy with her little family, she adored her mother, and she loved her little brother, it was them against the world according to her mother and she wouldn't have it any other way.

" 𝘛𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘥𝘶𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵" - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 Siren and Vampire in love ♥️🩵Where stories live. Discover now