You don't hate me? 2

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The tension between those two was so tense you could cut it with a knife. Finally the class was over and the both left immediately, but wherever they went, they kept bumping into each other.

Yoko: Griff I swear she is everywhere! It's like she's haunting me!
Griffin: Okay well, why do you hate her this much? Maybe your reading everything wrong.
Yoko: No I definitely hate her. God she try's so hard to make a mistake but it's like she's cursed to be perfect at every single thing, it's like impossible to win against her.
Griffin: So that's the only reason you hate her?
Yoko: No, there's more. Ever since we were kids she tried so hard to impress everybody at our parents galas, don't even get me started on her figure, like okay we get it, you're the definition of perfection now turn it down.
Griffin: Well Yoko it's sounding more like you have different feelings about her then you actually think.
Yoko: Don't be stupid griff.
Griffin: Hm alright, so you're telling me if she, Divina Carson was to tell you Yoko Tanaka, she had feelings since you guys were kids you would reject her?
Yoko: Well.. actually I don't know..
Griffin: Rightttt, well it looks like they are definitely friends with Bia-  Yoko you listening?
Yoko: Huh what? Sorry I was thinking about something.
Griffin: Or someone.
Yoko: Griff drop it, I don't like her.
Enid: Don't like who? Spill the tea!
Yoko: It's nothing E.
Griffin: I'll inform you later.
Kelsey: Ooo is Miss Tanaka in denial??
Yoko: God you guys are annoying.
Dawn (vampire friend- sort of) : Besides I think Yoko would tell me if she had a crush I mean, Oo Yoko you should let me wear your ring!
Yoko: Not a chance dawn, and I've got to get to class, come along E, or we'll be late.
Enid: Coming!!

They all went there separate ways. Yoko and Enid headed to class, Mrs. Thornhill, oh was Yoko in for a surprise as the minute they stepped foot into the classroom, she saw Kent, Bianca, and Divina

Bianca: Oh, Hey Tanaka! You have the notes for this class right?
Yoko: Hey B, yea I do, need them?
Bianca: Yup ima try to catch up Kent, he was in a lower class in his old school.
Yoko: Gotcha, give the back in one peace alright?
Bianca: I got you! Thanks Tanaka, you the home girl.
Yoko: No prob B.
Enid: What about her? Doesn't she need help?
Divina: And I've officially been offended.
Bianca: Oh divi? Nah this little fucker is probably smarter than Yoko here.
Enid: Damn! Three way competition in class now! Bianca, Yoko, and?
Divina: It's Divina, Divina Lillian Carson, pleasure to meet you!
Enid: Awe! Enid Murray Sinclair! Your so sweet! Hey Yoko I think we should sit over here for today, I need some help too.
Bianca: Omg yes please sit down over here, I'm begging.
Yoko: Fine alright.

Enid sat in the seat where Bianca and Kent were sitting forcing Yoko to sit next to divina once again.

Divina: Hm.
Yoko: Cat got your tongue Siren?
Divina: Okay chill vampy, my neck is just hurting.
Yoko: Oh, what happened to you?
Divina: *she looks up from her notebook and at Yoko* I'm sorry but did I just hear Yoko Akari Tanaka, ask what happened to me?
Yoko: Look yea I asked but if you're hurt take it easy.
Divina: I'll be fine, I can't afford to miss anything on this lesson.
Yoko: Look I know you, all this teacher has taught us what we've been knowing since we were kids. * she takes Divina's notebook and her pen and places them into her backpack* now take it easy will you.
Divina: Still as persistent as always, one of your many charming qualities.
Yoko: Hold it, did you just call me charming?
Divina: Yes I did, what about it. *she rested her head on the palm of her hand*
Yoko: Sorry but don't you hate me? Why are you calling me charming?
Divina: Oh I don't hate you, I just match your energy against me.

Yoko's Pov:
Wait- am I losing my hearing? Why do I all of a sudden feel warm, who in gods name turned on the heater!

Divina: Are you okay Yoko? Your cheeks are looking a little pink? Are you sick?

Yoko's Pov
I heard her say, am I? Wait she's worried about me?

Yoko: Oh yea I'm fine, does it feel warmer to you?
Divina: No actually it's kind of cold, maybe it's because you're sitting in front of the window? Here switch with me, the sunlight isn't good for you right? Do you have the sun protection ring my mother gave you on your 107 birthday?
Yoko: I think I do? For safe measures let's switch. I do feel a tad faint.

Yoko's Pov:
The teacher really didn't care what we were doing because today was just catch up day and basically a free day so we both stood up and I swear on my father's name, once she touched me and helped me move to her seat in the shade and feel my forehead to see if I was sick, my heart came back to life.

Divina: Yea you definitely feel a little hot, maybe you'll cool down a little bit now that you're in the shade, if not I'll take you to the nurse.
Yoko: T- I appreciate that. Th- Thank you.
Divina: okay maybe you are sick, you have never thanked me for anything when we were kids.
Yoko: This being said by someone who is literally injured.
Divina: Okay firstly, it's probably just tense, I don't think I injured my neck.
Yoko:Sure, whatever you say princess.

Divina's Pov:
Okay, there is no way, did the fucking Yoko Akari Tanaka, call me princess? The same girl who hates me even when we were kids?!
God now I feel hot!

Yoko: Pft- look who's all pink now princess.
Divina: Smooth move there Tan. I'll give you that.
Yoko: Oh trust me I know.
Divina: So I ran into one of your little friends in chem.
Yoko: If it's griffin don't listen to him! All nonsense comes out of his mouth!
Divina: Uh no- it was a girl, I think her name was dawn? I quite literally had to switch seats because she was talking my ear off.
Yoko: Oh god, yea I don't associate myself with her.
Divina: I can see why.
Yoko: So what you friends with the queen bee?
Divina: Bianca? I guess so, she's been really helpful so we'll see how it goes.
Yoko: Just be careful.

" 𝘛𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘥𝘶𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵" - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 Siren and Vampire in love ♥️🩵Where stories live. Discover now