"Father." "Mother!" • 23 •

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Parents were arriving, students dressed as if they were in the 1500-1900s, some in expensive suits, others in gorgeous gowns, or simple clothes that would be considered as rags in the olden days. It was obvious which class students ancestors or are from or in. Some of the elder outcast families arrived at Nevermore such as the Addams family, the Tanaka family, the Carson family, and the Miller family. Now these families were very old, making them well known in outcast history, their business from 200 years ago was definitely known, aside from the Addams, They were on the more mysterious side but were still very known. The Addams family were known for being the family with about every outcast in the book, The Tanaka's were known for being one of the first generations of vampires, The Carsons were known for their royalty status and they were also known for being the first generation of water sirens, the Millers were known as royals as well but they were known as the first generation of Ice or Winter sirens, obviously the Millers and Carson's were close, having even a possible arranged marriage between their 4 generation son, Phillip and the Carson's 4th generation Daughter Divina, however both parties realized there was no way that Phillip and Divina were going to have chemistry of any sorts ending their legacy, so the marriage was called off. (Thank god right?) The family's did remind close as they would find themselves in positions where the other was needed. Shortly afterwards the Tanaka's came into play with the water sirens and shortly after the war was started which sent all outcasts into hiding for some time, even families having losses. Back to present time, these families were emotionally seeing their children in the old clothes they would wear, however Kenichi had taken notice of Cecilia, she seemed as emotionless as her daughter, he was very surprised because she and divina were both in very gorgeous white gowns and yet they seemed so unhappy, then it hit him, he saw Kayden Carson's memorial and was instantly reminded of the way that man treated his wife and eldest daughter.

Kenichi: Isn't this the dress you wore after his funeral?

Cecilia: Yes, I can never forget those days. Was it hard for him to be a decent man?

Kenichi: Don't worry Ceci, he is gone, and paid for his actions against you and your daughter, I'm sure your son understands what type of person his father was.

Cecilia: I'm terribly sorry about Irene, it wasn't her who was meant to die. Im sorry I didn't do anything to protect her.

Kenichi: I know ceci, and it's not your fault, it was his, and you corrected yourself by crashing his heart. Irene's death is no one's fault besides his. Let's enjoy this week with our children.

Cecilia: Yes, let's enjoy this week and try not to think of the past.

They both turned to look at each other and nodded as they returned to their children, and enjoyed the feast that was prepared by the Nevermore staff. At the end of the night, the families with losses were gathered by their loved ones photos to enjoy their memory. This was easy for most of the families.

The Carson's just stood there staring.

Kent: I don't think I can look in his eyes the same anymore.

Divina: He was a good father to you, you were safe, and that's all that matters.

Kent: But at what cost Divina. My twin? My fucking mother? He is better off dead.

Divina: I agreed with your statement but he was still the king. He had no conscience or consequences.

Cecilia: I am so sorry you two had to have Kayden as a father, and I'm so sorry that you both don't have one at this moment.

Kent: It's not your fault mom, it's his, if he acted the way he did with me with everyone, maybe he'd have a decent memorial.

???: So this is how you all repay me for my efforts as a father and husband?

" 𝘛𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘥𝘶𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵" - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 Siren and Vampire in love ♥️🩵Where stories live. Discover now