You're different I guess. 6

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Enid and Divina went back to Nevermore in a Uber that divina called. Once arrived Divina thanked the driver and opened the door for both herself and Enid. Divina put away the book she got into her tote bag and walk and talked with Enid until they reached the quad where everyone was at.

Kelsey: Well Bianca I don't think you need to worry anymore, your roomie is right there with Enid.

Bianca: Huh- wha- DIVINAAA!

Enid: Jeez- Could you be any louder B! Wolf ears!

Yoko: Uh vampires are here too, and you quite literally broke my ear drums, are all sirens like this god.

Kelsey: Well I agree with Yoko here, I think that Bianca is just over dramatic.

Bianca: Wowww really feeling all the love here friends 🙄

Enid: No I agree, I mean Divina's a siren and she's more easygoing than you-

Bianca: Shushhhh 🙄

Divina: That's definitely one way to describe myself-

Ajax: Yo Carson!

Divina: Oh hey Petropolus.

Yoko: You both know each other?

Ajax: Yup, she's my tutor, I told y'all this?

Kelsey, Enid, and Bianca: I didn't pay attention-

Ajax: Freaky- anyway, Carson you coming?

Divina: Depends-

Yoko: No Ajax, Divina is gonna stay here, because I know this is around the time you go out with some of the other gorgons and smoke weed.

Bianca: Yoko- How-

Ajax: I- alright then- cya around Carson-

Divina: Later Petropolus. Anyway I think I'm going to go find a quiet place to read.

Kelsey nudged Yoko and gave her a look. Yoko sighed.

Yoko: Divina, why don't you join me in my dorm, it's quiet and I don't have roommate, no one will be a bother.

Divina: Oh? Are you sure Yoko? I can just-

Yoko: It's fine. Just come on.

Bianca: Hm, How about me and Div hang out! I know this is usually your private-

Yoko: No. She's fine to join me besides this school is never quiet and your her loud annoying roommate so if she wants quiet she can come to my dorm.

Bianca: Yea we can really feel the love from you Yoko 😑🙄

Kelsey: I know right? So much love 🙄

Yoko rolled her eyes and divina giggled slightly.

Divina: I'm sure she's not that bad!

Enid: Awe! Yoko I swear to god if you ruin this girl I will come after you >:(

Yoko: You know what, I'm not even gonna question you

Kelsey: Well just a heads up Yoko, Little Miss summers is approaching, so if you wanna leave now would be good-

Yoko: Don't have to tell me twice.

Divina: Huh? I don't think I understand-

Before divina could finish her sentence, Yoko grabbed her hand and ran out with her to Yoko's dorm.

Dawn: Wait! Ugh! Why does Yoko always leave!

Kelsey: I think I know-

Bianca: So do I-

Enid: Same-

Meanwhile with Yokovina 🩵❤️

Divina's Pov:

Yoko was holding my hand as we were running to her dorm, she finally slowed down and we both caught our breaths.

Divina: Sorry but can I ask why we just ran as the way up here?

Yoko: Before you get any ideas, Dawn is one of the newer students and she's obsessed with me. I do my best to avoid her but that girl doesn't take a hint.

Divina: Definitely could of fooled me, I thought she was your girlfriend.

Yoko: I'd rather eat garlic then date her, get this she's a vampire and she's only 16 years old.

Divina: Yea pass for me, what happened she get bite by another vampire or something?

Yoko: Apparently, and I'm 118, if you think about it, that's basically me dating a minor-

Divina: Yea definitely- hell even I'm older then her-

Yoko: By a year maybe.

Divina: Don't know if I should be offended by that- Yoko you do realize I'm 117 years old right?

Yoko: You are? I thought sirens lived as long as normies do.

Divina: Definitely not, our lifespan really depends if we get hunted, otherwise we can live a really long time.

Yoko: You'd think they would cover that in Siren history books.

Divina: Maybe, Yoko if you don't mind me asking, why do you hate me? If it's cause I beat you at that dumb math competition I'm so sorr-

Yoko: No divina it's not because of that. And for the record, I don't hate you, it's quite impossible actually. Sure I hate dawn and others I'm not gonna name. You're just different I guess.

Divina was speechless but she smiled, then she realized that Yoko didn't let go of her hand, in fact Yoko was holding Divina's hand very protectively. The two approached Yoko's dorm, Divina didn't realize her shoelace had been undone. On the last step to Yoko's dorm, divina tripped but before she could even fall Yoko immediately caught her and held her close, they were only inches away from each other.

Yoko: Are you alright Divina?

Divina: Uh, yea I am. Thank you Yoko.

Yoko: Yea sure, just be more careful.

Divina: Yea I will, my shoelace probably got undone and I didn't notice.

Yoko: Here, um let me.

Yoko let go of Divina's waist and she bent down to tie Divina's shoelace.

Yoko: There you should be fine now. Just try to pay more attention please. I don't want you getting hurt.

Divina: I will, now here let me help you up.

Divina held out her hand for Yoko and helped her up.

Yoko: Thank you divina. Now let's get you to a quiet place where you can read with no distractions.

Divina: That sounds great, I'd love that.

Yoko's Pov:
Not as much as I love you Divina Lillian Carson. God this siren is really messing with me. Also how am I just just realizing how soft her skin is? And how fucking gorgeous her eyes look in the light? God I really do need help.

Yoko opens the for herself and Divina, they go in and Yoko tells divina she can sit or lay down wherever she wanted to and go enjoy her book. They both sat down on Yoko's bed and payed attention to their own thing, divina was reading while Yoko was drawing. Divina started to grow tired and she accidentally fell asleep on Yoko's shoulder.

Yoko's thought: Cute.

Yoko set down her sketchbook and placed a bookmark for divina in her book. She laid down and wrapped her arm around Divina's waist and held her close as she slowly drifted asleep as well.

" 𝘛𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘥𝘶𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵" - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 Siren and Vampire in love ♥️🩵Where stories live. Discover now