Together, they managed to rein it in and pull it back to where it needed to be fastened, then held it still as gale after gale tried to rip it from their grip. By the time it was finally secure again Ilio was actually panting. 

The rush of adrenaline actually had him smiling, though he was getting some nervous looks from several of the vampires around him before they quickly got themselves back to work. 

Ilio hesitated for a moment, considering what else he could do as he wiped at the blood now running down his cheek. That's when he noticed a different vampire struggling to move something across the deck. 

I can help with that!

He hurried over and, with the two of them together, managed to move the object easily enough. Once that task was complete he was whisked away to help with a stuck lever, then moving more items, then climbing a sail to assist in mending an upper portion.

By the time he was finally done helping everyone they were approaching the docks of a rather large city. 

That's much bigger than the one near my territory...

It was a little intimidating, to tell the truth. 

He was just feeling a slight twinge of apprehension in his belly when he noticed his vampire walk over to the railing to look at the city. 

Grinning, Ilio hurried over, earning Inkani's attention as he came to a stop at his side. 

Can I have a head pat? I helped a lot! 

Of course, he wouldn't say such things out loud, but he still wished for the attention as hard as he could!

He was a bit surprised, however, when Inkani's brow furrowed and he quickly leaned closer. The man's hands grasped his face gently but firmly, then turned it a little to the side. 

"What is this?" Inkani asked, though Ilio wasn't really sure if he was expecting him to answer. 

He had no doubt that the man was looking at the gash he'd gotten from being smacked with the rope earlier. 

"A rope got loose and hit me. I'm fine though," he said calmly, smiling even though it hurt a little. 

His luck wasn't the best, so it had hit him on the same side of his face where his stitches had been. He tasted blood, of course, but he kept that to himself. 

Moving his hand slightly to the side, Inkani pressed his thumb against Ilio's lower lip and narrowed his eyes. 


Ilio obeyed immediately, even though they now had a rather rapt audience since the boat was just about done docking. When Inkani realized his stitches had been broken his eyes flashed with a dark fury Ilio had never seen in them before. 

Before he could react, Ilio was lifted up into the man's arms! Inkani then yelled over his shoulder for his men to take care of the rest before promptly jumping over the railing the moment the shipped stopped by the docks! 

Knowing that he was angry with him, Ilio hunched over and silently wrapped his arms around Inkani's neck. 

I thought I did well... 

He was coming to understand that the man was mad about him having messed up his stitches, but he hadn't done it on purpose. He'd also worked really hard to impress him, yet his injury seemed to overshadow all of that in an instant. 

He silently sulked the entire time Inkani carried him, and only began to pay attention when they left the city behind and began walking through a beautiful wooded area. 

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