we miss you teroso...

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Sama'el (father) pov:
I was working went i got a call from my man say they found my daugther. My bambino teroso is found. I call all my sons to the office.
     A few seconds later, they came in asking 'what happend?' 'why you call us father? ' 'is there something wrong? '. I calm them down and say "We found her." Then Nathan and Gavril scream"Yes!!!" They were exited joy. Nathan was jumping then Gavril hug him and spin him around. Maverick and Farrel were in tears and i knew it's happy tears.Zadkiel was trying to comfort Kenzo who crying non stop.

We coming teroso. You going hame now. We miss you so much.

Nathan pov:
We got call from dad to came to his office. We got up quicklly and go to the office. We enter after knocking the door. All them asking, like you know the same thing but dad calm them down and say "We found her".I immediately say "Yes!!! because i knew it's sister that dad told me went i was young. Gavril hug me and spin me around. I can't breathe honestly so i pat him. He release me and say sorry but i say "It's okay, you happy and exited too right?" with smirk and bumb his side with my strong shoulder.
He mess with my hair with smile. I can't belived after 14 years we found her. I can't wait to see her.

                       ...Time skip...
Sama'el pov:
We in the office when there's a knock on the door. A girl came in,she just look just like my dead wife. "Miss Avyanna"went he say her name. I suprise that the name that my wife gave her still there. It's realif me.

After they talk, she ask him about her family and say "your family infront of you teroso" with small smile. She thank me, so polite.
                    ...Time skip...
After our interduction,she interduce herself and the way she talk just like me. The whole ride, she sleep on Nathan shoulder, so adorable and precious.
                    ...Time skip...
We arrive to our home. Avy (Avyanna) has slept throught whole ride and flight. She must be tired, so we let her sleep. Nathan drift to sleep to her and i took a picture of them. I keep it since it's my only chance to see it.

I gave Avy a tour in the house except for the basement . I need to gave her some time before tell her that we in the 'MAFIA'. I scared if she know it she will hate me for that. I never fear like this except for the death of my wife.

We walk up stairs and Avy mio angelo ask me with say 'father'politely.I turn my head and a lot of emotion in me. I hug her because she accept me as her father. The boys always call me like dad,padre and papa'.
(mio angelo - my angel)
(padre - father)
(papa'- dad)

I tell her about her bags and dinner. After that, I left because she need her time to be here.

My love, my dear wife and sun to my life you had gone from this world but you gave an angel to me. A family that enought to me. I want to ask you 'did i do it right for them?'. I'm scared if i fail as a father to them. I fail myself to them.

I hope it never happend to them. If the world hurt just do it but not my daugther and sons. They too special to me. Please god protect them.

I love them as the sun it self. Love them with all my heart that you change them my love. My one and only, Nymeria.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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