3_ arguments in the library

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"Fine. Just don't talk to me," I finally agree.

"I don't want to hear the stupid shit you have to say anyways," he murmurs.

"You're the only person I shit talk," I comment.

"SHHHHH!" Madam Pince yells a second time as she storms over.

"If you're going to argue, go somewhere else," she hisses.

"Grumpy old hag, that one," he says under his breath.

I sincerely hope he doesn't see my slight grin.


We work in silence after Madam Pince yells at us, twice.

I blame it on Dalton. She's always disagreeing with everything I say. It gives me a headache to just be in the same room as her.

She's even more exhausting than the Defense Against the Dark Arts homework, which I've been doing for the past half hour.

It's not my favorite subject, but I know it's the most practical one. Dark magic... it's always going to be around. No matter how much I want to forget it.

"Could you quit shaking your leg, it's moving the table," I demand.

It comes out rougher than I intend it to, more frustrated with my own thoughts than her.

She only rolls her eyes and moves her chair back from the table slightly, continuing to work. And shaking her leg.

I shouldn't be surprised that she didn't listen to me—she never does.

I glance back down at my paper with a sigh. I've looked everywhere in the textbook and can't find a single thing on the process of expelling the demon soul from a Nogtail.

I don't think I'll be encountering that ugly pig creature anywhere near Hogwarts, but we need to know it for our N.E.W.Ts.

I contemplate asking Dalton for the answer—know-it-all that she is—but all she'll do is refuse to give it to me.

I doubt Blaise has done it, either, so that's a lost cause.

I hate not finishing the paper, but I move onto arithmany anyways.

I quite enjoy the subject, so I have no idea how long it is before a voice interrupts my studying.

"Hey, fancy seeing you here. How have you been?"

Not to me, but Dalton.

"Just studying," she says shortly.

I glance up to see her position change, turning away slightly from the bulky guy she's talking to.

"We could study together sometime?" He suggests, inching closer to her.

I've no clue who he is, but the sudden urge to step in between them overcomes me still.

I ignore it—it's just because he's a Gryffindor with nerves.

"Sorry but I study best alone," she replies.

The way she rests her arm as a barrier and won't look him in the eye tells me everything I need to know about him.

"Oh, that's fine. We can hang out doing something else, then," he adds, his double meaning evident.

"No, I'm too busy," she says.

"You sure-"

"She said no, mate," I say abrupty.

"I didn't mean any trouble," he says charismatically while glancing at Dalton, clearly hoping she'll defend him.

"Then let me keep studying," she says harshly. "It might do you good to listen for once."

I couldn't help but smirk to myself. You know, her insults aren't that bad when they aren't directed at me.

"Okay, okay, calm down," he says as he finally left.

"Maledetto stronzo," I mutter under my breath.

"What does that mean?" She asks.

"Nothing," I brush it off.

"Do I at least get a 'thank you', though, Dalton?" I mess with her.

"I'd rather die first, Nott," she shakes her head.

"You didn't need to say anything, though," she adds.

There was no tone in her voice, just a pure flat statement.

Most people have easy emotions to read. But with Dalton, it's when she goes quiet that she's feeling the most.

I've learned that the hard way after many times of her not saying anything and then lashing out at me over some dumb class activity.

She didn't seem to be mad now, though.

"Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I don't have morals, Dalton," I explain.

AtelophobiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora