Before the thoughts and memories of my personal tragedies came to me, Whiskey managed to successfully calm me down enough. Enough to keep my sanity and level head. "Now, sugar," he said. "Calm down. Gettin' all worked up ain't gonna do you any good."

"You're right," I agreed. "You're right. Getting all mad ain't gonna do me much good. I gotta keep my head screwed on right in order to keep an advantage over Balor."

"There you go," Whiskey responded, patting my head gently so that I didn't get a concussion. "Now, you're onto something."

Keeping my head on a level pedestal, I wandered with Whiskey over to another exhibit, and upon our arrival to it, we were immediately frozen in our place. A grand, glamorous exhibit of the "King of Rock and Roll"...Elvis Presley. Yes, the Elvis Presley! There were so many wonderful artifacts—guitars, jumpsuits, even cars—and they were equally amazing to see in real time with the added accompaniment of some of Presley's greatest hits.

It was basically heaven for Whiskey.

"You good there, babe?" I asked, as Whiskey somehow already spaced out.

He snapped out of his daze and refocused his attention back to me. "Huh? What'd you say, sugar? I didn't hear you."

"Are you okay? You seem—out of it," I reminded.

He looked around again, his smile the biggest I've ever seen. "Of course I am, sugar. This exhibit is just—just purely amazing. It amazes me every time I come here and see this exhibit."

"Well, I wanted to make sure you were okay," I said, "because you spacing out kind of worried me."

He nodded. "It's okay, sugar. I'm fine. Between being with you and experiencing this, I—I felt like I've died and gone to heaven. It's just—wow!"

"I know," I agreed. "I have that feeling too. Then again, I'm only experiencing this for the first time. It's almost like when I was falling in love."

I sighed, knowing that I'd be forced to keep Whiskey waiting if I didn't spill the beans. "You were my first love, Whiskey. My very first one," I said. "I didn't know how to love, or what love was for that matter. That is, before I met you. You showed me what love was really like. It's beautiful, but it can also be a bitch. And I wouldn't have known that if you weren't in my life, so...thank you."

He took my hand that he was holding and kissed it longingly. "No, sugar. Thank you. My life wouldn't be the same without you in it, and you definitely changed it for the better. So thank you for everything."

I smirked, knowing damn well that it wasn't just Whiskey who helped me. But in retrospect, he did help me out a ton. If it wasn't for him, then I wouldn't be where I am today. Instead, I'd be the saddest sap on the planet, or I could be dead. Whiskey definitely helped me out of the depressive hole I'd been secretly in since my twin's death, so I have a lot to thank him for.

In the midst of Whiskey and I taking a deeper look at other exhibits, I couldn't help but get an overwhelming feeling. The feeling as if we were being watched and followed.

"Whiskey?" I asked him.

He took his eyes off of one exhibit. "Yeah, sugar. What's up?"

"I have a gut feeling that we're being followed," I said sternly in a low tone so that no one else could hear.

I could see the bright light in his eyes extinguish abruptly as I said that. His entire mindset changed on a dime, as he shifted from enjoying his time with me to protecting me. He had to protect me from whatever or whoever was following us.

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