Chapter 9 - Becoming a Father...!?

Start from the beginning

After all, they... no Zero Two had a small trauma of dirty things. It was as if she started to hate her own situation of the past where she wasn't able to do anything to help herself, let alone Ryo.


Nothing major happens in the shower, except Zero Two keeps glancing and taking glimpses of Ryo's Excalibur, making him almost get a bit harder. Thankfully, Ryo was able to control himself, or else he would have to move out with his stick being in high-light for quite some time.

He could only curse his almost extinct bloodline and his 'Curse' that amplified his emotions.
He really had been trying to control himself these days as although Zero Two might be at her age biologically, he didn't want to do anything dangerous for her body. He wanted to wait for at least 5 more years before making any move.

There was no point denying that.

Zero Two was indeed beautiful, but she was almost 1/3 of his age. That was the first reason he stopped any of his motives and moved on her for now. There was no need for him to overcome his previous life's trauma right at that time.

He can force himself to overcome his trauma at that same moment, but that will mess up his plan.


It did indeed hurt him deeply as he had promised himself to not fall in love with anyone else easily, he felt like Zero Two was probably the only one who could understand him the most by this point.

This included both mentally and spiritually to some point.

Thinking about it, he mockingly smirked at own his thought. Was that even he felt?


Knowing well that it is no good for him to live in the clenches of his past and it will only hurt him more, Ryo has decided to discard all his previous life feelings and ignore them very soon.

'Say System, what is the lowest priced love potion?'

[Love Potion:

Description: Make a person who drinks this potion fall in love with the person next to him or herself for the next 6 hours.
Price: 1000 UPs]


Ryo quickly walked up to a huge glass tube, and as soon as he entered the tube, a glass window closed off the entrance as a holographic scanner scanned his body, and a layer of nanotech pieces of equipment calmly covered his muscular body in a black thick armored clothing.

The nano-clothing was made up of special nanomaterial that could withstand multiple hits from high-caliber guns at point-blank range.

His clothing consisted of the main chest plate that covered his whole frontal body, starting from the chest and reaching the end of lowest Umbical End of his stomach.

His chest plate was further divided into 3 parts, each connected by a flexible nanofiber with almost the same capabilities as the armored plate for easy movements.

While the next major pieces consisted of handpieces and leg pieces. His hand pieces started from the shoulder region, reaching his waist, where it is connected to his armored gloves. The handpiece was further divided into 3 parts, shoulders, elbows, and waist part.

The shoulder parts were connected to both the neckpiece and his chest plate with flexible materials.

On the other hand, his leg pieces were divided into two places, first was at the groin region, the second was at the knee and the last was at the end of his ankle region, divided and connected by the same flexible nano fabric which was flexible as well as strong.

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