Symbol of our love

Start from the beginning

They reached their house.....Ishan's condition downed...he was feeling miserable.....he doesn't know why......but he shgured everything off for his Shub......he tried everything to make him relax and stop him from his train of thoughts but no use......

Later at night that day......Shubman was scrolling through...insta....that was filled with sadness...cries....what not.......but something caught his eyes......a POST about him........His pic after getting out in the finals.......everyone in the comment section was disappointed but their target wasn't was his husband.....They blamed him for his poor performance.......they gave examples like how he played well in ipl and the west indies and Zimbabwe tour......but when after that he got married...his performance downed...........and that comments did effect him the most that moment....he forgot how everyone praised ishan as his lucky charm for his wonderful performance in Asia cup and the whole WC....but his mind didn't let him think properly...

At that vary moment Ishan entered the room with a plate of food.....he was felling a hard pain on his lower abdomen from late morning....but shgured it off....but it increased.....though he did decide to take care of his husband as a first priority........

"Shub come let's eat....."the said person snapped his head towards him eyes dark.......he didn't notice the sudden change in his husband's brown eyes.......

"Shubi please come na eat......forget that WC.....what happened so happened what can we do now..."...he said in a annoyed tone...getting no response for the previous comment....and the increasing pain isn't helping at all......

"You wanted that to happen right.....everything happened just because of you"~Shubman

"Whattt"....ishan asked being surprised
"Are you out of your mind Shubman......?" He couldn't control him....he's feeling overwhelmed.....don't his husband care about him......don't he know can he say like that.......

His thoughts get interpreted by a sudden pull from Shubman........he grabbed him by his hands harshly and trowed him to the nearby wall out of anger.......his mind stopped working.....

"Ahhhhhhhhh Shubi......" Ishan cried in pain and slowly dropped himself on the's hurting really bad....he can't take it anymore......he looked at his husband with hurt eyes.............

That's when
Shubman realized what he did.....he tried to touch his husband...but ishan yanked his hand.......

"I k-know s-shubi you're go-going to blame m-me for th-the f-inal......I asscept t-that......I a-am u-un-l-lucky f-for you.....didn't I s-shub..."~Ishan

"Ishan please I am sorry baby.....I didn't realize that you're hurt too....I am so selfish baby...I am sorry"....he lowered his head holding ishan's hand......and sobbed......but the grip loosed and he felt something near his's blood.....he looked up....just to see his ishu is bleeding..and unconscious........

"Noooooo.....ishan open your eyes......ishu baby....what happened to you ......ishannnnnnn....."~Shubman

Time skip at hospital

It's been two hours since they took him inside.....With every passing moment Shubman's anxiety increases......his sister is with him trying to shuh him....but no issue.....

" Shubi please calm down vai....see Raj is there right....he will not let anything happen to our ishu......please stop crying will get sick now....plea-"~Shahneel

"Why was he bleeding like that Di............Was he......... and I didn't knew.....I just ignored him and h-hurt him......."~Shubman

"No Shubi it's not may be anything el-"~Shaneel

The operation theater light get offed.......the siblings stand up and went near the doctor who just came out......

"Raj how is he......"~Shaneel

He didn't answered.......

"V-vai-vaiya......please tell us...."Shubman said which came out as a whisper........

" we couldn't s-save the b-ba-by.........he was one and half m-month p-pregnant"~Raj

"Th-this is j-jo-ke r-ri-right"...~Shubman

"I wish it was Shub"~Raj

"Nooooooo shub......."~Shahneel

He fainted in her arms.......

#that's the end hand is painting now....I tries to make it look good......

Stay tuned..

Sarangheo 💜💜💜💜💜

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