19. King

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Love Story / Viserys Targaryen / Alicent Hightower / POLY out now!
Lonesome / Sandor Clegane out now!

"You look beautiful." Larys remarked. 

"Just stay close, alright." Tully requested softly as she grabbed his hand. 

"I'm not going anywhere." Larys assured. 

"Is it bad that I'm happy he's dead?" She whispered. Larys smiled kissing her temple. 

"No." He assured her. "He hurt you. He deserved everything he got and more."

"People of King's Landing... today is the saddest of days." Otto announced. ''Our beloved king... Viserys the Peaceful... is dead.... his eldest son Aegon was..." Otto cleared his throat glancing to Alicent still distraught from the events of the previous night but they had to get on with it. "Found dead as well, so the realms are grieving." There was a murmuring of sad woes and some sobs that Aegon was taken too quickly but if anyone knew Aegon they knew the world was better off without him. ''But it is also the most joyous of days... for as his spirit left us... he whispered his final wish: that his son, Aemond... should succeed him." Otto declared and there was but a moment of silence before the crowd agreed and an applause broke out for their new king.

"Guards!" the commander shouted. ''Out of the way! Move!'' They were getting into position for their new king to march down the aisle. They marched down the people parted and the rose their blade high for Aemond to pass under. Aemond let out a long breath as he looked ahead. This was his moment, everything he had worked so hard for. He was about to get everything he ever wanted because Aegon was a cunt that pissed off the wrong people no doubt. 

"Halt! Turn!'' The horns blared out. ''Present... arms!''

"It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this: a new day for our city... a new day for our realm. A new king... to lead us." Otto declared as Aemond marched through. As he passed the swords fell after him. Each step closer to something he had always wanted and never thought he would get. Tully smiled as he passed her but he was focused on the crown. His head held high. Mallory grabbed Tully's hand smiling back at her. 

''May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need." Septon Eustace began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." Criston stepped forward the crown in hand. 

"Your man." Tully whispered. 

"My man." Mallory agreed happily as she stared, her lip caught between her teeth as her sights set on Criston. 

"The crown of the Conqueror, passed down through generations." Criston spoke as Aemond breathed deeply awaiting the crown be placed on his head. He never thought, never imagined this dream would come true. ''Let the Seven bear witness: Aemond Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." Criston announced putting the crown on Aemond's head. He rose up and looked to his family. Helaena clapped out joyously, Aemond would have guessed that Helaena killed Aegon if he didnt know any better but Alicent was weepy still, a sad smile on her lips as she curtsied before him. Her baby boy, the king. 

''All hail His Grace, Aemond, first of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." The septon declared, the bells tolled and the people cheered joyously.

"King Aemond does have a nice ring to it." Tully remarked. 

"Queen Tully sounds very good, he will need a queen now more than ever." Mallory remarked. 

The people cheered out for their new king and Aemond smiled proudly back at them. Thats right, he was king. 

''Long live Aemond!'' 

"The ground is shaking." Tully whispered. She held tight to larys as they stumbled around. The ground came out from under their feet sending them flying in all directions as a dragon burst through the floor. 

"Tully!" Larys shouted as people clamored to get up. 

They were blocked in, Tully's head was pounding and she felt the trickle of blood drip down her eye and into her mouth. She coughed out as she looked to Mallory beside her trying to pull her foot free from some debris. Tully pulled herself up helping Mallory free her foot. 

"What the bloody hell?" Mallory shouted. 

"Where is my brother?" Tully questioned nervously, eyes darting around. 

"Open the doors!" Otto shouted. ''Open the doors!''

"Get Helaena." Alicent demanded as she moved in front of Aemond protecting him. But Aemond was not one to stand aside he moved pulling Alicent back. He was the king after all he was going to protect his family. Rhaenys stared down at them before Meleys opened her mouth, a scream so loud her breath so hot it made them falter back. 

"Larys!" Tully shouted moving to him. 

"Are you alright- you are hurt." Larys whispered touching her head. 

"I'm fine, Mallory is fine." Tully assured as Meleys flew off. "Aemond... he is king." Tully's vision was once again focused on Aemond. Larys held onto her as she stared up at Aemond on the stage. "He will be a good king." Tully decided. 

"And you my dearest Tully, you will be queen." Larys told Tully kissing her temple. 

Sickly Sweet / Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now