10. Watch

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Tully liked to watch Aemond train, that wasnt a big surprise. She was to be found anywhere that Aemond was. Mallory stared back at Criston however. Watching how he moved. 

"He was born to be a warrior." Tully remarked dreamily. "He would totally be the first one to jump forward and save the day." Mallory hummed leaning on her fist as she watched Criston training. "Do you think our children would have black hair or silver? I really want them to have silver hair, I have always hated my hair." Tully went on. Mallory nodded distantly. "But... well jace and Luke." Tully mumbled. "So I dont know that the odds are in my favor." she added. "Why is he so perfect? What do you think? Mallory?" Tully turned to mallory. 

"Mallory?" Tully questioned.

"Sorry, I think I zoned out, can you say that again?"

  "What are you thinking about?" Tully questioned.

"Criston. Naked in my bed." Mallory answered bluntly and loudly. Criston glanced to her at his name and she licked her lips, biting down on her bottom lip drawing it into her mouth.

"Oh my Gods!" Tully declared covering her face embarrassed to be beside Mallory as she eye fucked Criston from across the courtyard. 

 But Aemond was looking their way and whispering words unheard to Criston, Tully sat up straighter hoping he was talking about her and not just Mallory's outburst. 

"What do you think they are saying?" Tully whispered. 

"Probably- better be-" Mallory murmured. "I want to fuck that gorgeous Lannister," she commanded, glancing back at them. Criston locked eyes on her, she winked back at him. "Right Cole?" She shouted back tipping her head back and letting her long blonde hair trail back. 

"You are shameless." 

"I call it how I see it and how I want it." Mallory corrected. Mallory wanted Criston, simple as that, she was going to get him.


"Do you always talk this much?" Helaena questioned curiously. Mallory grinned, wide eyed.

"I do. That's why we're perfect together. You never speak and I never shut up. You're so lucky you found me." Mallory declared linking their arms. Tully didn't know what she would do without Mallory.

"The three amigos!" Tully declared. Helaena liked having friends, even if Tully had initially wanted to get close to Helaena to try and get closer to Aemond, she really did like Helaena now. They were friends. 

"The three amigos!" Mallory and Helaena echoed. 

 "Forever and ever until we die." Tully added darkly before she laughed out. 

"You can totally blame Larys for her awkwardness and love or darkness." Mallory remarked. "Otherwise she is totally normal." 

"Mallory!" Tully countered. 

"What?" Mallory demanded. "You are my weirdo." Mallory assured. "And I love you but Larys fucked you up." 

"he did not." Tully assured. "I'm just as sane as you." 

"Thats a low standard." Mallory teased bumping her hip into Tully. Helaena looked between them happily, she liked having friends, she never had this, girl talk, goofing around, teasing each other. Everyone - Aegon mainly- had called her weird  and strange but when Mallory said it to Tully it was with love. Their uniqueness wasnt to be judged but appreciated and Helaena loved that, really loved that. 

"Oh excuse me," Mallory remarked seeing her father. "i'm sort of grounded." 

"What?" Tully countered. 

"Yeah, I... um he heard my declarations this morning and well he wasnt happy with them." Mallory offered with a shrug. "Sooo..." She drawled out. "but its okay." She added. "It was worth it getting Cristons attention on me." Mallory assured. 

"What did you say?" Helaena questioned. 

"Something completely fine but my father took it out of context." Mallory assured. 

"Yeah saying she wanted criston to fuck her in the middle of the courtyard was totally taken out of context." Tully mused. 

"I didnt say to me in the courtyard." Mallory corrected. "But I would let him, with every knight watching." She added, a mischievous look in her eyes. "I gotta go, daddio is giving me the look, you know it the you are in trouble dont make me shout at you look." Mallory hugged Tully and Helaena before heading off, she skipped to her father, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 


"Do you think Aemond will ever love me?" Tully pondered. Helaena looked up from her needlepoint. "He just doesn't seem very interested in... me."

"He is very focused on his studies and his training." Helaena offered.

"Will he ever want to get married? To anyone?" Tully pondered.

"He will marry, mother will make him just like she made me." Helaena assured. Tully nodded.

"So not for love but for duty." Tully agreed. 

"Yeah, but AEmond has always been her favorite so... maybe he marries for love." Helaena offered. 

"Do you think he could ever love me?" Tully questioned again. Helaena stared back at her for a long moment. The silence filled the air. 

"I would like to think Aemond would be really happy with you Tully." Helaena answered. Tully smiled softly before looking back down at her needle point. "What are you making?" 

"The hemlock flower, its quite deadly, Larys was teaching me about them, I found them in the gardens, they are beautiful." Tully answered. 

"Most deadly things are." Helaena agreed. 

"Larys said the same thing."

Sickly Sweet / Aemond TargaryenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu