6. Already Love You

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"Goodnight Mallory." Larys said for the millionth time. He was eager to get ridnof the nonstop bubbly talkative lannister. "Goodnight Mallory-"

"I love this! We should totally-"

"Mallory. Tully. Its time for supper." Larys interrupted but mallory didnt miss a beat.

"-go to town and spin around all night long. Look at how it moves!" Mallory squealed spinning in her new lannister red dress.

"Its super cute." Tully agreed.

"Good because-" mallory held out a matching dress but in green. "I got you one!"

"Green?" Realization hit. "Green! Oh Mallory thank you!" Tully squealed.

"Goodnight mallory. Thank you mallory. Go home mallory." Larys begged as he set the table.

"If he sees me in his color then he will really love me!" Tully agreed.

"Duh!" Mallory agreed.

"You are the best!"

"Thank daddio. I used his money. A happy mallory is a happy life. He knows that." Mallory assured.

"Goodbye!" Larys begged.

"I suppose I should get going. Larys is going to pop a vein if I stay any longer. Tomorrow we wear the dresses! Ta ta for now!" Mallory declared before running off. "Bye Larys!" Tully giggled running to her chambers to hang up her dress.

"It was a nice dress." Larys agreed when Tully came back.

"Mallory is the best." Tully agreed. Larys chuckled. "What?"

"Shes a bossy bitch but shes alright girl." Larys offered. Tully would have objected but larys was right. Mallory was a bossy bitch but she was still Tullys very best friend. "Sorry I pushed her away for her own family to deal with but we only have enough food for us." Larys added.

"Sorry. I was being rude." Tully countered.

"Nonsense Im just impatient to try what you made." Larys assured. Tully bat long thick black lashes back at him. She really was beautiful but a different kind of a beautiful the kind that most men and certainly all boys her age couldn't appreciate.

"Oh, there was a raven for you Tully." Larys remarked gesturing back to his cloak, she jumped up running to his cloak and patting it down before pulling the scroll free. Larys chuckled as he sipped his soup. He dipped his bread in and took a bite as she unscrolled it. "This is delicious." Larys informed her.

"Thanks, new recipe." Tully agreed. Her eyes focused on the words though.

"Whos it from?"

"As if you didnt read it already." Tully countered glancing up at him. Larys lips quirked up.

"Tell me anyways." Larys requdsted.

"It's from Luke." She answered.

"That boy has a crush on you." Larys added through another bite of bread.

"No he doesnt, he's like three years younger than me." Tully corrected. "And not here."

"He writes you often." Larys countered.

"Probably because he is bored on Dragonstone." Tully offered.

"I suppose." Larys agreed nonchalantly.

"It's not a crush, he's a child." In Tully's head she was still picturing Luke as a little kid, 8 years old and stabbing Aemond in the eye. He was a cutie but Aemond was a hottie. Although the years had passed and he was 13 now, Tully still saw the little kid in her head, since she hadnt seen him in nearly five years.

"You are fucked." Aegon decided.

"Am not." Aemond corrected.

"You are going to be married off. The ole ball and chain. Right Hela? Because you drive me crazy. Dive me to hell!" Helaena rolled her eyes.

"Aemond will be good to his future bride." Helaena Corrected. "Wont you aemond?" Aemond stared back at Helaena wordlessly.

"Depends on the bride right? If shes a looker or a good lay-" aegon cackled and aemond whacked him over the back of the head.

"Is mother setting up a union?" Helaena questioned.

"No." Aemond corrected

"Shes setting up a gala." Aegon crooned out. "For her precious baby."  Aemond rolled his eyes moving to helaena.

"Its late. Let me walk you back." Aemond offered his arm.

"You are going to make some girl really happy." Helaena assured. Aemond shrugged.

"Im too focused on my studies to worry about some girl." Aemond corrected as they walked. Helaena chuckled leaning into him.

"You make time for me." Helaena corrected. Aemond turned to her looking her dead in the eyes.

"You are my sister and I already love you."

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