16. Good Fucking Riddance

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Larys took Tully home and drew her a warm bath and made her a tea. He had to pour through old books to find it but he found a moon tea recipe. Tully cried as she curled her knees to her chest.

Larys had never hated someone as much as he Aegon in that moment.

He knocked on the door and placed the tea beside her. The water was tainted red and surely filled with Tullys tears. Her gaze shifted shakily to Larys as he touched her hand.

"I will handle this." Larys assured her. "But please drink this." Tully reached out a shaky hand and grabbed the cup taking a small sip. "All of it." She nodded tears falling into the cup as she finished it off. Larys kissed her temple as he got up. "Im getting a warmer for your bed too." Larys added. "Is there anything else I can do Tully?" She shook her head ever so slightly.

She felt so used and violated. She felt foolish and weak. She felt like Aegon stole a part of her that she would never get back.

"Im going to try and clean up your dress." Larys offered, he knew it was her favorite but Tully shook her head before resting her chin on her knees.

"I suddenly hate the color green." Tully decided. "Burn it."

Tully didnt know when she fell asleep but she had nightmares all night and woke in a fever soaked sweat. She screamed out and larys came quickly holding her as she sobbed. He made her a sleeping draft and prayed for a dreamless sleep. Life was so much easier when Tully didnt like boys. WHen boys dids like Tully.

When larys woke in the morning after a restless night himself he looked to tullys room. Her door ajar and she was sound asleep. He had work to do.

''Who knows?'' Otto questioned as Alicent had told him of Viserys passing.

''My handmaiden, Talya. Some of the servants.'' Alicent answered. "I saw him last night... before he..." Alicent leaned back in the chair, a shaky breath on her lips. ''He told me he wished for Aegon to be king." Alicent relayed and Otto stared back at her from the fireplace. ''It is the truth. Uttered with his own lips. His last words to me and I was the only one to hear it. And now he's dead.''

Larys was not a strong man, despite his name he had a useless foot and shaky hands, he was never a swords man but he would fight for his sisters safety. He would fight to keep her safe and make sure no one- certainly not Aegon- touched her again.

It didnt take long to find Aegon was still drinking and stumbling around. It was not hard at all to get him alone.

"Prince Aegon. A word?" Larys requested. No one would suspect larys a killer. No one would suspect a crippled able to take down a skilled knight.

"What?" Aegon slurred.

"I would like to speak to you about my little sister." Larys remarked taking a step closer.

"Who?" Aegon questioned stumbling around.

"Who indeed..." larys scoffed. Aegon really was despicable. "The young woman you raped last night. Held down while she screamed and whimpered and left crying on the floor." Aegon blinked back at him. "No? You don't remember her?" Larys questioned. "If I had more time I would fuck you with a morning star right up the ass. It would tear you apart as you screamed and begged for mercy."

"Im the prrrrince," aegon reminded him through slurred speech. "You cant talk to me like that-" larys lifted his cane and it connected with a harsh blow to aegons face. Larys heard the snap and hoped he broke bone. Aegon whimpered collapsing to the ground.

"I can and will talk to you however I like." Larys corrected. "Because you hurt my girl. The only person I love in this world. You hurt her." Aegon spit blood on the floor before him.

"I dont know who you are talking about- fuck man you broke my nose and tooth!" Aegon spat.

"I suppose it doesnt matter now. Your life is insignificant. You are insignificant." Larys decided as he twisted his cane revealing a hidden blade. Aegon scurried back. "You should have left my sister alone."

Larys didnt give Aegon time to speak. Time to beg. Time to scream. Larys stabbed him four times. Then another four.

Good fucking riddance.

Larys needed help getting Aegon to the docks, dumping his body after the blade was drove deep into his chest. Larys had a way of getting what he wanted and getting away with it. Larys cut Aegons cock off for good measure, he wouldnt be able to fuck anyone in hell.

Now home to Tully to tell her that she would never have to see that awful vindictive little man again.

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