CHAPTER 14: A Message From Her

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"I'm suprised you haven't died yet"

"So am I, but I am glad that you have come here" Kagaya broke out in a cough but quickly regained his composure. His wife headed him his tea and he took a sip before adjusting his posture.

"Why am I here?" Unmei in a serious tone.

"I am aware that you are not very fond of coming here and I commend you for doing so..." Kagaya said. Unmei red eyes looked at him, waiting for him to get to point so that she doesn't have to deal with whatever nonsense the Hashira would say about her arrival.

"Your mother and I were friends. She used to talk to me about where she came from, where they grew some beautiful flowers and roses. She left me this..." he moved his hands around the area and picked up a small blue flower, a lily.

Unmei felt her heart beat.

"This is a blue spider lily. A rare flower. I haven't seen it. But your mother seemed to know were it was or were it still is. I thought it was only right for me to inform you, at least have a piece of your mother"Kagaya said as she handed her the flower.

Unmei felt a strong string of emotion. Something that she hadn't felt in a while. Her father rarely talked about her mother, and now she had something that connected her to this woman.

"The Village. Did she ever mention were it is" she asked him. Maybe she could get there.

"She didn't mention were exactly, but what I do know is it lies in the mountains far off Mt. Kumotori..." he trying to re call exactly what she had said.

Unmei didn't know exactly why, but she felt a great deal push her to go there. Maybe that was her purpose to find out more about her mother, and maybe after she has killed Muzan she would stay there and grow the very same flower and leave a peaceful life, maybe... With him. She shook of the thought and looked at Kagaya.

The blind man slightly coughs and smiles,

"That is all. I am glad that I finally told you this."

"Thank you." Unmei nodded.

"And I suppose I can't convince you one last final time to join the Corps?" Kagaya said in a warm tone to which Unmei stood up, her gaze in the direction she was heading.

"And you just had to ruin the moment for me."

"It's worth trying, I have been doing it for years" he said.

Unmei shook her head and sighed.

"No thank you."

"Very well then. I do ask you to stay here just for the night. You have to rest" Kagaya said.

"And spend the rest of my evening being annoyed and fighting off the urge to decapitated your Hashira. I think I have overstayed enough"

Kagaya chuckled slightly, "Just for the night. You could try to bond with your cousin, it's been a while" he said. She sighed as the thought of Muichiro crossed her mind.

"I'm not promising anything. If they piss me off I'm leaving" Unmei said in monotone and with that she walked off.

As she walked through the mansion, she found Giyuu sat all alone, in the garden. Even after all years he had still remained quiet and reserved, well maybe only speaking up when it calls for it. He seemed to be the only one person in this mansion who wouldn't annoy her and so she headed towards him and sat.

She stared at the garden with beautiful butterflies and nature around them in silence.

"I'm suprised you are still here Unmei" he finally broke the silence, though not breaking his gaze from the flowers.

"Kagaya asked me stay here for the night, I'm still contemplating. I'm yet to speak with Muichiro" she answered back.

"Mmm, I see. It's good to know that you at least care about someone." Giyuu said as he finally looked her.

"His family. The only family I have right now" she said.

"That's good. It's good to have a conversation with you without having to fight, it reminds me of those days in that mountain" Giyuu said and Unmei remembered the first time they had met,

Unmei chuckled and looked at him, her red eyes darting at him

"You were less of an idiot back then, less rules more of you."

"We all need rules Unmei. The world wouldn't work without them " He said.

"The old Giyu was fun, before the Hashira bullshit." Unmei scoffed as flashbacks of them together played in her head.

"You maybe right, but I feel that it was a necessary choice" Giyuu looked at her.

"A choice. Dumb yes but I respect." Unmei said with a nod.

"You think you'll be fine staying here with the others" Giyuu asked.

"Worried about me?" Unmei raised an eyebrow. Nostalgic feeling. That's what she felt. He was always the worrying one.

Unmei mind flooded with memories.


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