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She walked in the dead of night wondering the forest. It was a quiet night as the night creatures hooted. They were probably shocked seeing a human wonder at night,  annoying creatures she squinted her eyes as they flapped away.

Her long black hair was blown by the wind of the night as her dark eyes darted at the direction she was heading. Suddenly she had a cry for help to her right side.

Annoyed she made her way over. Simply to stop the ruckus that disturbed her peace.

As Unmei followed the cries, she became aware of a small clearing in the forest ahead of her. As she approached, she heard the cries more clearly, and realized it was a young boy who was trapped under a fallen tree. He seemed to be injured, and was calling out for help. Unmei hesitated, unsure if she should help him or not. After all, she had been enjoying her solitude and the peace of the night. But something in her heart told her that she couldn't leave the boy there, injured and alone.

She rolled her eyes as she looked at the injured boy, suddenly she  heard heavy breathing from behind  her. Annoyed she turned around to face a with a tall horned demon.

Unbothered by it she simply scoffed as it worked towards her.

"2 meals! I'm a lucky demon" he said as he licked his lips.

"I would not come any closer if I were you" she said unbothered as she pulled out her nichirin sword.

"A demon slayer?"

"It's a rude to assume." She answered back.
The demon looked rather confused.
"Well this just made it a lot easier" the demon growled and jumped at her ready to slash her with it's long nails.

She simply swerved to the side and faster than what the demon could comprehend she had slashed its right arm off.
"What? You just took my right arm off!? Uugh. There is no way you're not a demon slayer. No matter I will still kill you." The demon grunted.

"Blood demon art, sharp claw encounter!" it said as it's nails grew into sharp swords. Unmei yawned at the sight still unbothered. This made the demon feel uneasy at her unresponsiveness.

"Well, now I'm angry. " She said but there was no expression that said otherwise.

"Sun breathing first form, dance" she said as her sword lit up and faster than lightning she severed the demon's head off.

The demon head rolled over by her side as a look of shock was on its face.

"Sun breathing? But.... How?" it questioned itself in it's last minutes.

"You are a demon slayer aren't you?  I was right."

She crooked her head to the side as she looked at the demon.

"No. I am not. Had you not interfered I would not have killed you. I had no reason to. But you did so tough luck" she said. The demon dispersed as it was still in shock at the revelation.

As she walked away she heard the boy crying. She had almost forgot why she was there in the first place. To shut him up.

She walked towards him and saw that the demon had biten a part of his arm and it was bleeding. She ripped the lower part of her kimono and covered up the bleeding wound.

"Please stop crying you are disturbing my night" she said as she knelt beside him.

The boy sniffed as the pain was pulsating. He held on to his hand.

"Thank you" he said as he kept quiet and looked his hero.

"Don't thank me. I did nothing. Now do be careful next time. I don't think I will come back to save you again" she said as she got up.

"Whats your name?" the boy asked as she began to walk away.

"It does not concern you"

"Please... I... Uh... I need to know." the boy pleaded.

"My name is Unmei."She replied as she walked away with without looking back.

Not my Destiny: A demon slayer fanficWhere stories live. Discover now