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As she separated from the demon who had made her night ever the more enjoyable the girl decided to search for somewhere to rest her head for the rest of the day. She approached the foot of a mountain and found a house that stood further away from the man village. Tired, Unmei knocked on the door, and the old woman welcomed her in with a warm smile.

"I'm sorry if I have disturbed you so early in the morning. I am looking for a place to rest my head" Unmei said. The old woman looked at her and smoked before replying

"Please do come in. You must be tired". The woman felt comfortable letting her in. She noticed by her sword that she must be  a swordsman of some sort and she felt a string of hope.
"Ah, my dear, you are most welcome here. I can sense you've been through much. Please, take a seat and allow me to prepare you some tea. I must confess, I don't often receive visitors at this hour. Pray, what brings you to my humble home?" The old woman's voice was gentle and kind, a stark contrast to the harsh world outside. Unmei breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the respite from her journey.

"I am on my way somewhere it's about a day's walk from here. I'm grateful for letting me in given that I am a complete stranger after all" Unmei replied as the old woman handed her  some  tea.
"Nonsense, child. It's no trouble at all. Hospitality is a virtue, and I can't just let someone wander the roads all alone. You're more than welcome here. Now, tell me, where are you heading to?" The old woman asked, her gaze sharp and inquisitive. Her eyes seemed to probe Unmei's soul, as if she could sense the weight of her purpose. 
"It's nothing to worry about. One of my interests are there. So do you stay alone?" Unmei said straining away from revealing her endeavors to the Ubuyashiki Mansion.

The old woman sighed after being asked about it, "My grand daughter. I sent her out one day to pick up some roots near here. She must went  have up the mountain. I specifically told her not to, now she is nowhere to be seen. I don't know what's there but my spirit tells something evil resides there" the woman said.

Unmei knew that the feeling she felt when she was with Akaza was probably a demon and the more closer she got the more she sensed it.
Unmei adjusted her posture at the old woman's words. "Evil... that's a strong word. What makes you think it's evil?" Unmei asked, a twinge of unease creeping in. The woman hesitated, her lips pursing in thought. "I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's almost as if the place has an aura about it... a dark energy that makes my skin crawl.

"I noticed by your sword. Are you a swordswoman my girl?" the woman asked with a string of hope her voice.

Unmei sipped her tea and kept quiet. "You could say that. I will look for your grand daughter later tonight after I have slept a bit." She decided. It would be just a token of gratitude for letting her stay. 

"You can't possibly do that. If anything were to happen to you.." the old woman pleaded.

"I can assure you I'll be fine. You have helped me with your kindness it's the least I can do" Unmei replied.
"You are too kind," the old woman said with a soft smile. "But please, be careful. I know you think you're strong, but whatever is in that mansion up the mountain is not to be trifled with." She paused, a worried look flickering across her face. "I heard rumors... of disappearances, strange noises at night, and a heavy feeling of dread that hangs over the place like a fog. Be cautious, please." She squeezed Unmei's hand gently. "You remind me of my own daughter, in a way. I would hate to see any harm come to you."

Unmei lips curved into a smile of confidence and assured the old woman that she would be fine. Unmei spent the day asleep, she would have vivid images of Akaza. The demon who managed to see here. His voice, the way he spoke to her. Such wonderful dreams of them being together laying on the grass staring at the night sky.  The old woman peaked at her sleeping and saw a smile on her face.

She woke up later and headed over to the mansion. The dreadful and feared Tsuzumi mansion. She went up the mountain and found the mansion. As she got up the demonic aura heightened her senses. Beside the mansion was a peculiar box.

"It looks familiar. Isn't it the box the boy was carrying in that city?" she asked as she approached it. It rattled  and she drew her sword and approached. The box opened and out came the little demon girl who looked up at her with her head tilted to the side .
"Your brother must be here now isn't he?" she asked the girl with the long wavy hair. The girl nodded and went back in her box.

"Interesting little thing" she said. She heard the voices from inside the mansion and knew that the boy wasn't alone.

"I can sense that the demon here is fairly strong, but I would personally like to see if the boy has became as strong as he claimed that day" Unmei said as she set by the box. If the old woman's grand daughter was in there surely the boy could prove himself and rescue her, then she would take her home. It was much easier that way. Suddenly she sensed another presence from behind her it was strong. It ranged on to Akaza's aura. She had felt it before. She got up and walked into the direction the aura coming from. There he was the rainbow colored demon with sadistic smile sitting comfortably by a tree stamp while devouring what looked like to be a girl. Unmei heart sank, as she joined the dots. Based on the old woman's direction that girl was her and she her sword ready to strike the demon.

"My beautiful flower." the demon said its Kanji "Upper two reflecting in the moonlight" Unmei felt her blood boil at the sight. 

"Why are you here?" she asked barely keeping her composure. Douma crooked his head to the side as he dropped the dismembered body of the girl and began walking towards her.He knew she was strong and that alone made her very interesting him. Even though his master clearly told her not touch her he couldn't help but want to study this fiery flower, just have a bite of the forbidden fruit. 

"I can here to see you sweet little thing." he said with a smirk. 

"Tsk, You just ate the person i was lookin for. I'm pissed and your so called flirting is making me more angry. You have no reason to be alive Douma" Unmei said matter of fact and stood in a fighting stance ready to launch her first blow. The fire in this girl only made Douma want to have her even more. 

"Unmei is it? I will only die after i have had my way with you, hopefully before my master does. I would make you my queen. Give you everything you need money, power and a good man who can guarantee a very good night"the demon smirked.

"Douma!!!!" an angry voice called out to him which made Unmei sigh a breath of relief. 

Not my Destiny: A demon slayer fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora