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Muzan looked at his books flipping through the pages of his recordings. He was getting more and more tired of his search. Where there hell was it? It cannot have just have disappeared the flower must be somewhere. He sat in his chair as Nakime played a tune therefore teleporting his messanger right by his desk. He looked up, and saw him.

Muzan looked at his Upper One demon,"What did she say?"
"She said she refuses to become a demon, and she's sworn to kill you, Lord Muzan." Kokushibo said in his usual monotone voice. But deep down, he was curious about how Muzan would react to such bold words.

Muzan chuckled seemingly forgetting his troubles and worries.
"Women are very interesting. I don't know why they always seems so hard to get"
"Perhaps it's because they are strong-willed and independent, my lord. They don't like being told what to do." Kokushibo said, his tone still monotone but his words somewhat thoughtful. He was only speaking from his personal observations, but he wasn't about to push his luck too far. He needed to be very careful in this situation, and he knew it.

"That's exactly what I like about her. Unmei remains me of someone. She will come around." he said in a low playful tone.
"Yes. Someone. But that doesn't matter now. Did you see her strength? How important she is"

"Yes, I saw her strength. She's a very formidable fighter, and she seems to be very determined in her cause. She's willing to fight until the end." Kokushibo said, staring straight ahead as he spoke. He was still trying to remain as emotionless as possible, but there was definitely a hint of respect in his words. After all, it wasn't every day that a human showed such strength and determination.

Muzan smirked as the thought of this girl amused him. He looked forward to see her in person. Maybe seeing her face to face would convince her.

"A sun breather" he sighs.

"A sun breather, indeed. And a very powerful one, at that. I've never seen anything quite like her before. She's definitely not someone to take lightly." Kokushibo said, feeling the weight of her skill and resolve. There was a hint of admiration in his words, even if he was still trying to keep his tone neutral.

"Well then. I look forward to seeing her. You are dismissed" Muzan replied
"As you wish, my lord." Kokushibo said with a bow. He then began to walk away, but as he left the room, he couldn't help but think about Unmei and what it all meant. He was curious, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than met the eye.

A few weeks after her interaction with Giyuu, Unmei found herself back in the city of Asakusa, continuing her search for answers. Determined as ever, she explored the streets of , but something about the atmosphere felt off. There was a sense of unease in the air, but she couldn't quite place her finger on it. Regardless, she pushed on, determined to find the truth.

Screams drew Unmei's attention, and to her shock, she recognized the voice. It was Tanjiro, the young boy she had met on her journey. He was struggling to hold a man who was now rigid and unyielding, like a rabid dog about to attack its prey. Unmei's heart raced as she realized the man must be a demon, and that he was here to harm the human who was holding him. She searched the crowd for the source of the trouble and spotted a man carrying a little girl, with another woman at his side.

Following her instincts, Unmei pushed through the crowd and trailed after the family. She watched as the man left them in a taxi, and with a sense of foreboding, she followed him into the alley. The shadows were thick, and the air was filled with a sense of dread. Unmei's heart was racing, and she could feel her palms sweating as she drew closer to the man.

"I want to kill the demon slayer with the Hanafuda earrings" he ordered and two demons that he summoned and they agreed before disappearing into the night.

"It's so lovely to see you again Unmei" he said as she drew closer to him.

"You greet me as if we are old friends, yet you know we are anything but." Unmei responded, her voice calm and steady despite the panic she felt. She needed to keep her composure if she was going to survive this encounter. Muzan's smile never wavered, but there was something sinister about it. He seemed almost pleased by her defiance.

He walked closer to her with a smirk "Don't act as if you do not like my charm"
Unmei's stomach turned at his words, and she felt a wave of revulsion at his arrogance. How dare he think that she would find him charming? He was the worst kind of monster, one who believed he was superior to everyone else.Unmei steeled herself, refusing to give in to the fear and disgust she felt. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her break.

"You? Charming? You are more delusional than I thought"

"You have a sharp tongue, little human." Muzan replied, with a smirk on his face. "That's what I like about you. The truth is, I know that you live some of the demons alive, as long as they don't cross your path. That makes me wonder maybe you do have soft spot for them. And hope that you do join the Kizuki, the Upper Ranks to be specific."

"The reason why I don't kill some demons is because they do not get in my way. Those who are dumb enough to try me meet my sword. That's my reason not whatever conclusion you came up with. I am not joining your little group of disappointments" she said sternly as she pulled out her sword.

Muzan chuckled lightly, "I will not fight you Unmei, well at least this is not the kind of fight I'm looking forward-" before he could finish his sentence he dodges a swing from Unmei's blazing blade.

"Shut up!" Unmei said as she swung her sword.

"I will not let you speak that way about me." She said as she controlled her breathing ready to strike again.

"Unmei stop this foolishness." Muzan said with a hint of irritation.

"Not until your neck meets my sword.... Sun breathing first form dance" she said and Muzan deflects the attack. Suddenly a flash of memories came in his head and he saw the image of the man who almost ended his life. He backed up as he saw her anger and determination radiate in her eyes and challenging her in this state would be a huge gamble.

"Muzan-Sama do you need any help with her? I can definitely take care of her for you. She looks rather pretty don't you think? " a voice said from the shadows in the alley. Muzan squinted his eyes in annoyance as he recognized the voice behind him.

Unmei looked on and held her sword firmly, eyeing on who approached her. Rainbow eyes drew closer with a smile on face revealing sharp teeth.

"No wonder you want her, I definitely want her too" the demon said as its eyes glowed the Kanji "Upper two"

Not my Destiny: A demon slayer fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें