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"Come out, little demon, you know you want some," the scarred man said as blood dripped from his head onto the box that carried the little demon girl. Tanjiro was in agony as he watched his sister get torched, and because of how deep the serpent hashira's elbow was in his back, he found himself unable to move. Sanemi's wild eyes shone as the other Hashira  looked on as he grabbed his sword and stabbed right through the box. 

"You're hurting her!" Tanjiro cried out.

"I suppose that the only thing you are good at is killing and hurting weaklings, since you possibly can't fight the real demons out there." All attention shifted from the box to the one who dared speak of the Hashira in such a manner. The red-eyed girl darted at the Hashira in pure annoyance. 

Master Kagaya smiled as he heard her faint voice. Finally,  she had come, even though he knew his children would not be kindly to her arrival. 

"What the hell did you just say to us? How dare you interfer with Hashira business" Sanemi snapped as he left the demon girl and walked towards the girl.  "You have some nerve showing up here." 

Unmei tilted her head, studied her eyes at the group. 

"Oh my its Lady Unmei." Mitsuri squealed to herself, a little terrified by her unresponsiveness to Sanemi's response. 

"I will say this once I am in no mood to have a conversation with clowns. If I were you, I would watch my tone." Unmei finally said.

"Oh my" Shinobu said as Mitsuri covered her mouth with  a gasp.

"How unflashy" 

"I don't think I like her." Renguko said loudly. 

Anger filled Sanemi's being as he looked at the gutsy girl. He jumped back to where the box was.

"Of course you would defend a demon; you don't kill demons now, do you? And you think you can just waltz here and tell the Hashira what to do? Tch! You must be delusional, thinking that your opinion will have any importance whatsoever.  A demon deserves to die; no negotiation..." He said and pointed the sharp end of his sword directly at the box. Unmei rolled her eyes waiting patiently for him to do what he intended to do.

The water Hashira looked on, a part of him wanted to tell Sanemi to stop whatever he had in mind but the bigger part wanted to see what would happen.  Sanemi chuckled,

"No demon deserves to leave.." he said, driving the sword into the box. In a dash,Unmei went towards him and kicked his sword right out of his hand. 

"You-" Before he could even finish his sentence, he felt a hot slap right across his face, causing a huge gasp to erupt from the love Hishara.  

"You bitch i'm going to kill y-"

"Children!!" the master erupted, ceasing the ruckus.  The Hashira turned to face Kagaya, while Unmei kept a steady gaze at Sanemi.  

"I know you may have your concerns regarding our visitor, but I ask that you treat her as such. She is here on my request." 

"Master, she has disrespected the Hashira-" Sanemi gritted his teeth

"She is a guest Sanemi, treat her as such."

"As you wish" Sanemi said, lowering his head, his voice showing no sign of letting this altercation go. Unmei casually moved past the lot, exchanging a few mean glances. Her eyes made contact with Muichiro who was cluelessly gawking at the situation. She only gave a small nod before making her way to Kagaya. 


"Unmei, you have finally come." 

"This better be good"

Not my Destiny: A demon slayer fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin