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  "THE TEMPLE WAS not what I expected," Ryan offered to start the conversation as the two of them left the compound. Chunyi and Ryan's manservant followed behind them.

  "I apologise if I gave the wrong impression of it," Myrina said coolly. "It is a truly wonderful place in my mind, one that holds many excellent memories."

  "Yes, I can tell. Abbess Yuexian is very fond of you."

  "I was an acolyte here very shortly after her rise to the position of Head Abbess of Sai. I also happened to be the most obedient, who caused no trouble for her. Thus, I like to think I left a good impression."

  "Yes, I thought it would be something along those lines," Ryan murmured. "I... I apologise if I startled you a few days ago."

  "It is alright," Myrina replied, all the courage she'd mustered immediately leaving her body. "You were not in your right mind, I think. A bit tipsy."

  "Yes. I was. But, uh, just know that if you ever change your mind... If I must have a political marriage, I think you would be the best choice for it. You already know all the ropes, and we've known each other for long enough to know how the other thinks and works, even if we do not necessarily like that."

  "I need to think about it," Myrina murmured quietly. "I... I just don't know if I can do it again."

  "That is perfectly understandable." Ryan winced. "And I'll try to be less difficult, I think, about you all searching for a bride for me. I do know that you all mean it from a good place, it just gets very annoying sometimes."

  "It is alright, Ryan."

  They were quiet as they stepped out of the gates. Myrina turned to take another glance of the temple, and then they continued walking.

  "You really like this place, don't you?"

  "I do," Myrina agreed, "but I do not know if it feels like home any longer. It's been too long. I feel like a visitor here now, not a member of them."

  "If you could, would you have become a priestess?"

  "If you asked me when I was here? Yes. But now? No, I don't think that would have been the best choice for me. But that is in hindsight. Who knows where we'd be in life now, if I hadn't left?"

  "Well," Ryan said humorlessly, "I'd be dead."

  Myrina flexed her jaw. "Someone would have saved you then, one way or another."

  "Well, either way," Ryan murmured, clearly not in the mood to argue, "I'm thankful either way."

  "You've already expressed your gratitude regarding that. I was just doing my duty."

  "Am I scaring you with my attitude, Lady Mai?"

  "Slightly, yes, Your Highness." But there was a small smile on her face that she couldn't hide.

  "Do I amuse you, Lady Mai?"

  "Always, Your Highness."

  "I do believe that is the nicest thing you've ever said about me," he chuckled. "I'm starting to understand you a bit more, Myrina Mai. Oh, I like how the Abbess called you by your Saian name."

  "No one has for a long time. I am always either Myrina or Lady Mai now."

  "Only time I'm Ruge is when I'm in trouble. I'm always either His Highness or Ryan otherwise too. Interesting, isn't it?"

  "How we're on Saian land and are yet referred to by our Arecian names, yes."

  Ryan shrugged. "Always made no sense to me."

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