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IN FENGZHU HALL, the Emperor placed down her teacup and leaned back, picking up her fan. "She did come for him."

"She knows why he needs to marry."

"It does not mean she thinks she should be the one, though. I see no sign of her having any feelings for Ruge except from an advisor to her superior."

"She is the best choice. I would have preferred Lu Ren's daughter, honestly, but Lady Mai is a fairly good choice as well."

"Asteria Lu's heart is already taken by that little Caershireen captain, and no matter how loyal Lu Ren is, we cannot say the same for his relatives and descendants. He knows it himself, we ought not to give him any more power than he requires." The Empress raised her chin. "The best choice is Lady Mai. But I do not think she'd agree. Irina tied her once, within this Scarlet Palace. She almost ruined her."

"Lady Mai recovered."

"Yet can she go through it once more?" the Empress raised one brow at her husband. They'd had many conversations like this in the past few years, discussing the best choices for their son. Discussing the woman who would take over the crown on her head and the seat she sat in every day. They'd looked into every acceptable female, chosen and filtered, until they'd figured out who the best choices were. Lady Ru was certainly a tolerable choice—the young lady was educated and intelligent, with all the necessary skill sets.

Yet her family was still a bit lacking. And she herself did not seem to have any inclinations in the role. Especially not after Ryan's stunt last night.

That idiotic boy.

Truly, she had been expecting better. He'd always been so smart growing up, he'd always known what he should and should not do, yet yesterday he allowed his own temper and head to overtake him. He practically ignored the two siblings all evening. They may not have put it on their faces, but she could tell they were annoyed. Not that she could blame them.

It took every inch of restraint in her body to not punish him right then and there.

She'd told her husband immediately after, and they'd already agreed to summon him over this morning. They'd long known that he wished not to marry, but they'd assumed it would be like Longyu. That he'd get over it and accept it quickly. So far, he had not,

Lady Ru was their last choice. Their first was Lady Myrina, followed by a few other large figures who would not have been easily summoned into the Scarlet Palace for such... closeness. But the Palace had been quiet since Longyu had left. Thus her decision to summon the Viscount of Guangping and his younger sister into the Palace. They lost nothing from it anyways, and they had every intention of supporting the Viscount of Guangping, who was one of the most capable young lords of his generation from what they'd seen so far.

It was a while before her husband replied. When she looked at him, there was concern like she'd never seen before on his face. They'd both aged. Nothing made you age faster than the golden throne they sat on, and they both strongly felt the effects on it. It was one of the reasons why they wanted Ryan to marry quickly. The intention was to retire and pass on the throne within the next decade. They'd spent the first half of their lives fighting for this dynasty and maintaining the peace and prosperity of Sai, they deserved some relaxation in the second half.

But their son was not ready for it yet and there was no one else who could take the throne. Thus, they still had to push on for at least a while longer. Patience was a game they knew how to play. They'd waited for so long before striking to take this throne for themselves, to get it out of the hands of their wretched predecessors, who knew of nothing but their own lust and power.

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