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MYRINA HAD SUCCESSFULLY acquired single rooms for all of the noblemen, since they'd be used to a degree of luxury that the others may not necessarily require. It had seemed the wisest choice, though it wasn't completely fair. The Lais were the most courteous hosts, and despite the late hour at which they arrived, each guest was given a selection of small delicacies to fill their empty stomachs.

Myrina had just sat down to begin eating with Chunyi and Chunju when a knock sounded from outside the door. With curiosity, Myrina motioned for Chunyi to check who it was.

It was the Viscount of Guangping and Lady Ru. It wasn't completely shocking, since their quarters were nearby, but it was still confusing to see them here at this late hour.

Myrina stood. "Viscount, Lady Ru. May I be of assistance?"

The two siblings shared a glance at each other. "We were wondering if we could discuss some things with you, Lady Mai."

"Why, by all means, do come in." Myrina glanced at Chunju, who understood immediately and subtly took away one of the plates of pastries. It would not do for the maids to be eating at the table where they were having a discussion, but Myrina had no intention of letting them starve either. The Viscount and his sister had not brought their servants, so she assumed they must be waiting outside.

With a bow, Chunju and Chunyi left as well, leaving the three alone in the chamber.

"Is something wrong?" Myrina asked patiently. "Do have a seat and welcome yourselves to the pastries if you haven't already eaten."

"It is alright," the Viscount replied swiftly. "We simply had some inquiries, that is all."

"It could not wait until tomorrow? It is urgent, then?"

"Not precisely," his sister replied, showing far more firmness in her voice than she usually did. "It has been something that has been in our minds for some time now."

Myrina almost immediately understood, raising her chin. "Ah. I believe I understand what you speak of."

"Yes," the Viscount said absent-mindedly. "I believe you do."

"It is regarding the purpose of me being invited to the Scarlet Palace," Lady Ru explained, "though I assume you have guessed that already. It was a most odd invitation to begin with, to have been singled out. It was an honour, certainly, but also very strange."

And Myrina had discerned why they'd kept quiet until now. They must have known that the walls had ears in the Scarlet Palace, and that any conversation they had could easily make their way to the ears of the Emperor and Empress. They must have wanted to stay out of trouble, thus their patience until now.

Myrina let out a solemn sigh. "I will try to answer your questions if I can, but I cannot promise to give a response you are satisfied with."

"I understand perfectly," Lady Ru said. "Pray, why was I selected? I do not pretend to be unaware that it was I who was selected, not my dear brother. I was the target of the invitation, not him."

"You must be aware," Myrina drawled in a much softer voice than before, because even though they were outside the Scarlet Palace people could still be listening, "that we have been having an arduous search for a satisfactory Princess Consort for the past few years."

"And I am a candidate." That was not a question but a statement. It was said with firmness and steadiness. This Lady Ru was not the one Myrina had encountered before. This one was much more similar to the girl she'd heard from the rumours.

of mist and powerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя