“ but then… What if they lose control?? What will happen? “ Sori butts in the conversation.

“ Maybe they’ll destroy the universe? Or go insane and become a villain? “ and thus, the conversation got filled with many theories by Sopan, Sori, Supra and Solar.

No one understood a thing they’re saying so no one tried to butt in. Even Yaya and Ying, who are the smartest in class, are also getting confused.

the scene changed, now they could see the guardians being in a forest, all together, talking or having a spar. As the camera moved closer to them, their names appeared on the side, along with their guardian title.

they could see the photosynthesis duo underneath a tree, Rimba seemed to be doing Gamma’s hair while the latter was reading a book.

“ dang, even in another universe, Hali still looks like an emo… even if he’s a woman. “ Blaze commented, making Hali glare at him.

“ What did you say? “

“ Wai- AHHH!! “ welp, You may rest in peace Blaze
( Ruia: Oi! he’s not dead yet! )

Hali can now be seen being patted by Boboiboy while Gempa treats Blaze. Everyone sweatdropped at the scene, Satriantar smiled softly as she sees her element finding a good user.

“ So, how are things on your side, Gamma? heard your user’s been…. well.. “ Rimba said as he braided the guardian’s hair.

“ Things are doing okay on my side, Retak’ka is just… hard-head and has this kind of Hero complex and goes too far on his enemies. “ Gamma sighed deeply with that, since he had to always scold his user.

Rimba chuckled with that, meanwhile he’s doing fine with his own user since well… he’s a king and all that.

“ Just be patient with him Gamma, he’s still a kid. “ Rimba said, finishing the braid as he put flowers on Gamma’s braid, then tied it at the tip.

Rimba. He’s 25 for god’s sake! “ Gamma argued.

“ And? We’re thousands of years old, Gamma. Just because he’s 25 doesn’t mean he is still a kid, plus he has a rough past. “ Gamma grumbled something that Rimba didn’t understand, he sighed as he just patted the guardian.

“ Wait wait wait… how old are they?? “ Gopal asked, Ruia opened up a file to check on how old the guardians were.

“ Their age is about 1482 in the video but if we’re talking about the current timeline, they’re all 6000+ “ she explained, they all gaped at the ages of the guardian because they looked so young.

Soon the scene changed to a much sinister scene, Gamma is seen with Retak’ka, a white blindfold covering his eyes but even with the blindfold, they could clearly see Gamma’s expression. An alien begged for his life, but Retak’ka just gave a cold glance as he cut off the alien’s head.

Gamma could only look away as Retak’ka did that.

Everyone glared at Retak’ka on the screen, even in another universe, he’s nothing but a heartless monster.

The villain, of course, ignored this.

Gamma then proceeds to narrate the whole thing.

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