Chapter 10

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A/n:{ Hey guys! I wanted to stay that I was reading the book I wrote and I was wondering that I'll make the future chapters about 1000+ words each since some of the chapters are short and I think that's all I want to say,Bye!♥️👋 }


Y/n's Pov:

I used my quirk on the tentacle villain by wrapping the vines that came from the ground beneath both of us as I then saw both Yaomomo and Jiro-san were running while I looked at them shocked but smiled at them soon after as Yaomomo created a sword out of her arm as she then went ontop of the villain and she began to slash at him with her sword she created and Jiro-san started to vibrate the ground beneath all of us which made the villain tumble backwards as I then saw Yaomomo was about to fall which I ran to catch her in bridle style as we both looked at each other with a hint of blush on our faces.

Our moment was over when the villain broke out the vines I created around him and was going after Jiro-san.

I created a sword out of fire and water while I then ran after him and jumped stabbed him in the back and as he screamed in pain, he was using his tentacles to grab me but I dodged it and was running while cutting each one his tentacles but their were growing again.

I then went to the back of his head and knocked him out while I did a backflip and landed on the ground and made my weapons vanished away from me while breathing heavily as I had injuries every where on my body  as I then saw the two figures coming at me as I see those figures where both Yaomomo and Jiro-san running at me while I felt I was about to pass out as I heard both of them calling my name while I went into a deep sleep.


{Time skip}

Momo's Pov:

We were in Recovery girl's office in the afternoon since Y/n-san still hasn't woken up and recovery girl already healed her up but said to us that she needs rest while she's still recovering and told us that her quirk can also self-heal while she's recovering from her injuries which surprised us both since we didn't know she could do that also with her quirk.

Jiro went to go inform the others about Y/n-san health as I watched over Y/n-san while praying she would recover quickly from this since it was making me worry about her.

As I was holding onto Y/n-san's hand while gently squeezing it, Recovery girl came to check on Y/n-san if she was recovering properly.

She looked at me and smiled assuring me Y/n will be fine as I just smiled back at her.

" You know that you and Miss L/n are very close to each other even if she just came to UA a while back."

I was blushing from when she said that but I kept myself compose Infront of recovery girl.

"Yeah we are close but not like that close tho hehe...."

"Oh,but it's like you both were very close to each other before you both met each other,I assure you on that."

I was confused about what recovery girl said about me and Y/n-san met each other long ago before we bumped into each other when we met but I shook it off since we heard Y/n groan in her sleep as she was opening her eyes to see where she is now as she saw me next to her while holding her hand as we both then let go of each other's hands while we were having a hint of blush on our faces from embarrassment as I scratch the back of my neck while we both laughed it out and then Recovering girl came to interrupt us to check on Y/n if she was good to go as did some more checks on her before telling her she can go and telling me to make her rest until she can get her energy back while giving her a lollipop which she gladly accepted while she sucked on it and then we said our goodbyes to Recovery girl and went out of her office to go to the dorms to which we walked together and talked some things to each other which was mostly random stuff we were talking about as then wanted to ask Y/n about what Recovery girl said while she was unconscious state.

" So Y/n-san,I wanted to ask you something about what Recovery girl said while you were unconscious."

"Sure Yaomomo,Wait but what did Recovery girl said about?"

She gave a confused look at me while I explained it to her about what she said and she looked surprised about it but went to a calm expression while giving a small smile to me.

"She must of thought that we so close that, she must of misunderstood us as like childhood friends or something like that."

"Yeah I think you're right about that and I know it must of sound stupid asking that question sorry......"

"Hey it's alright Yaoyorazu,Plus it's actually nice asking questions from you and I wanted to say thank you for taking me to the mall with you even tho it was a hectic day for us today."

"Your welcome Y/n-san and plus it's the girls in our class that wanted to plan the day but,I did enjoy the day with you mostly with me."

"Oh yeah I should thank them to for this time since they must of wanting to do this because of the test next week Friday."

"Yeah It's maybe that tho."

We both change the topic and started walking to the dorms while being silent on our way there which we were just looking around as I felt our hands grazed one another which we both looked at each other blushing from embarrassment again as I then felt Y/n hold hands with me as we were walking to the dorms as it gave me butterflies in my stomach or worse like snakes but shook it off since I felt happy too which I didn't know why but it just made me happy for some reason being with her.

Our Love For Each Other:Momo Yaoyorazu x Fem Reader{Rewrite}Where stories live. Discover now