Chapter 4

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Y/n's Pov:

As Momo and I went our separate ways, I couldn't but want her company since she's great to talk with.

As I opened the door to be greeted by Reyu as she lunged at me and both of us fell onto the ground which was the second time I fell. As we both got up,I rubbed my head from the pain when Reyu decided to lunged at me and Reyu started asking a bunch of questions right at me.

"Y/n I'm so glad your here,How was UA??, Did you make friends?? Did you meet someone you have crush on Y/nnnn~?? Hmmm??"

The last question made me blush red as Aunt Maqu came to see Reyu teasing me.

"Reyu, that's enough teasing your sister here, Come on girls I made dinner for all of us,but I  want Y/n to go and freshed up then we can eat." said Aunt Maqu then she called Reyu to come help her with dinner.

As for me I went to freshed up like aunt said and then went downstairs to go have dinner.

Both my Aunt and cousin where giggling while I looked at them confused on what the hell they're giggling for.

"Y/n has a crush on someone mum when I told here who she has a crush on and she started blushing red hahaha!?!" Reyu spoke as she laughed while Aunt Maqu couldn't stop laughing when I was blushing more.

"No she's just someone I met today you guys jeez!?!" I shouted while I cross my arms and still having to be in blushing mess right now.

"Okay Okay,We won't tease you anymore Y/n" Aunt said as I sat between them and telling them what happened in UA and other stuff.

"So Y/n, who is the person you met when she bumped into you?" Aunt asked she was getting other bite of her Alfredo pasta.

"Well........her name is Momo Yaoyorazu, she's well the one that apologize when she bumped into me." I said when Reyu was teasing me again and aunt stopped her and told us to finish the food before it gets cold as we followed her order and ate in silence.

{ Time Skip }

When all of us finished eat,all of us went outside to go talk more and go look at the moon and stars shining light at us.

I told aunt that I'm getting something right back as she nodded and went to get the paperwork for the dorms that Sensei Aizawa gave.

" I just hope aunt doesn't refuse this since it's for my safety and her and Reyu's safety too." I thought for a moment about this and went back outside where both Reyu and Aunt Maqu are.

As I took a deep breath, I went up to Aunt Maqu and hold up the papers and a pen to her to sign.

"Aunt I know that you won't sign this since you would be worried about me and I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier because,I know this may worry you and Reyu more because I'm moving to the UA dorms tomorrow morning." I spoke while she looked with a calm expression on her face and Reyu looking confused about what I said.

"Wait What!?! What do you mean your leaving tomorrow!?! Y/n pls stay pls I don't want you to go away pls just stay......" Reyu hugged, having tears trying to come out as I embrace her and kissed her on her head and let go to look at her.

"Reyu, this is for the best to protect you and aunt from dangers of the villains and for my safety too and I'll visit you as much as I can,I promise to you Reyu." I said.

" You promise?" She asked.

" I promise Reyu" I told and smiled.

"Y/n is right Reyu dear, For our safety and hers we must accepted this and even that I know Y/n will visit often just to see us dear, So I will accept you going to the UA dorms." Aunt Maqu told while I was both relived and unhappy since I grown up with them since Aunt took me in.

As Aunt signed the papers,she said to go get all my stuff from my room and pack up for tomorrow.

I went and packed everything but still feeling I'm missing something.

" hmmm.......I got my headphones, clothes,books, computer hmmm something's missing but what is it tho?" I thought about it then I remember my mother's necklace aunt gave as a rememberence that I keep in a blue colored box and took it to look at it as I smiled at it and put it in my suitcase and then went to go brush my teeth before going to bed and putting and alarm to wake me up as I  drifting off to sleep.

Our Love For Each Other:Momo Yaoyorazu x Fem Reader{Rewrite}Where stories live. Discover now