Chapter 5

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Ka Zuigetsu (Jinshi) P.O.V.

I walk over to Mao Mao, who is wrapping up the baby. "It was no way it could survive huh?" I ask softly, and sadly. "He. It's a boy" she says. "And no. He was supposed to be born in spring. There was just no way. Do you want to see him, your son?" Mao Mao asks. "Yes" I answer. She pulls the blanket slightly from his face. His eyes are closed, he has a little nose and mouth but it's obvious that he has a lot of growing to do. I feel a stab at my heart. "I'm sorry, my son" I whisper as I softly stroke his cheek. "Mao Mao" I whisper, making her look at me. "Was this done purposely, or was she just unlucky?" I ask. "Do you want me to find out?" She asks. "Would you?" I ask. Mao Mao takes my hand and give me a soft squeeze. "Of course" she says with a light frown. The doctor appears next to us. "She will bleed for a couple of days more, but physically she is fine. There is no reason to think that she won't be able to get pregnant again" he says. "Even if it was done purposely?" I ask Mao Mao. "It shouldn't have damaged the womb. Even if that was the case, she would be able to" Mao Mao says. I turn to Akiko, who is still on the sheets that was used for her to give birth on. I sigh silently and walk over to her, I crouch beside her. "Do you want to see him?" I ask. Akiko looks at me. "It was a boy?" She asks. I smile. "Yes" I say. "Do you want to see him? Maybe hold him?" I ask. "No" Akiko says. "Are you sure? He is your son, and you gave birth to him" I ask softly. "And he died." Akiko answers. "You should say goodbye properly. You will regret it if you won't" I say. Akiko sighs. "Okay" she then says. "Mao Mao" I say. Mao Mao walks over and places the teeny, tiny bundle in Akiko's hands. She gasps. "It's barely even there" she says as her voice breaks. "Please take him away, I can't do this" she says as tears stream down her face. I quickly take the bundle, as Mao Mao places her hand on her shoulder. "Come, let's get you washed up" she says softly.

"Yeah?" I say slightly annoyed after a knock on the door of my office. I'm surprised when I see Gaoshun's face. "Gaoshun" I say surprised. "Come in" I say, and he does. "I heard what happened. I came to bring you my condolences. Of course I had hope to bring you congratulations" he says as he walks over to my desk. "Oh, yes thank you" I say, leaning back in my chair. I gesture him to sit down. "How is Akiko-sama doing?" Gaoshun asks. "She's having a tough time. She was already having a tough time with the passing of her father. This made it so much worse" I sigh. "Do you know what happened?" Gaoshun asks. "Mao Mao and I suspect foul play. She's investigating it now" I say. "This must be hard for you as well" Gaoshun says. For a second my lip trembles but then I smile. "It is. It was a boy, did you hear?" I ask. "I didn't. A boy..." he says. "I was looking forward to it you know" I say softly. Gaoshun frowns but doesn't respond. "I really was. Spring would've been a good time. It would bring good fortune" I say. "I am sorry, Zuigetsu-sama" Gaoshun says. Before I can say anything, Mao Mao walks in. "Oh I'm sorry" she says. "Don't worry about it" I say. "Come in" I add. Mao Mao closes the door and walks toward us. "She was drugged. I have made this medicine many times for the brothel, it was not hard to discern from her tea cup" Mao Mao says. "Shouldn't her food taster have noticed it?" I ask. "Not really. It doesn't really do anything to someone who isn't pregnant" Mao Mao says. "How could this happen?!" I ask, getting angrier by the minute. "Could someone be bribed into it?" Gaoshun asks. "Probably" Mao Mao shrugs. "Isn't it better for me to taste you and Akiko's food from now on? That we dine together?" Mao Mao asks. "Probably" I sigh. "I need to find who has done this. This is not acceptable" I say, standing up. "I'll help" Gaoshun says, standing up. "Thank you" I say, and then turn to Mao Mao. "Thank you" I say to her. "Of course. I'll go and check up on her now" she says. "Thank you" I say, and then walk to the door, Gaoshun following me.

Akiko is staying in my room for the time being, with her being so fragile, I don't want to think what would happen if she were to be alone. I tried to convince Mao Mao to stay here as well, but she flat out refused. I place my hands on Mao Mao's face and softly kiss her. "Thank you" I whisper. "What for?" She asks confused. "For all that you do for me. For Akiko" I say. "I like Akiko. I didn't wish this on her. I'm sorry for all the hardships she has to face since coming here, but this one hurts me too. The poor baby" Mao Mao says. I smile slightly and kiss her again. "I love you" I say. She smiles and places her hand on mine. "I love you too. Good night" she says. After one last kiss I let her go and enter my room.  I turn off the oil lamps after undressing to my undergarments and crawl into bed next to Akiko. I know she's not asleep so I wrap my arms around her. "Why am I here? I'm not going to harm myself" she says softly. "I know. I just want you here with me for a little while. Just until you're fully healed. My room is a bit more luxurious than yours" I say softly placing a kiss on the back of her neck. "I never thanked you, for holding me while I had to push" Akiko says. "I know you weren't supposed to be there" she adds. "It wasn't supposed to happen. But I was there so of course I held you" I say. "I named him you know. At the funeral, for his memorial stone" I add. Akiko doesn't respond for a while. "What is his name?" She whispers.  "Tian, it means heaven. Because that is where he is, with your father." I say softly. I can hear a soft whimper. "He will take care of him" she whispers after a soft gasp. I hold her even tighter. "He will. I'm sure he's already holding our Tian" I say. Akiko nods, again with a soft whimper. "I'm sorry. I should've listened. I should've been more careful" Akiko whispers after a soft gasp. "Don't apologize. You didn't do this, this was done to you." I say. "I'll be more careful next time" Akiko says. So stubborn. I lean my head against her. "Okay" I say softly.

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