Start from the beginning

"Psst... Mia, I'm next," a hushed whisper from Ariel reached my ears. I nodded in acknowledgment without turning my head, focusing on shading the correct options with calculated precision. "I'm done!" I couldn't contain my excitement, springing up from my seat, but not before discreetly passing the paper to Ariel, who was waiting eagerly. I made my way confidently toward Mr. Williams, who looked utterly dumbfounded-and I couldn't blame him one bit.

I had no idea what I had just shaded.

"You sure, Miss Smith. Why don't you double-check?" Mr. Williams' skeptical tone tugged at my confidence. I furrowed my brow in response. "Why? I know exactly what I did, sir. So here," I boldly dropped my answer sheet onto his desk and shot a triumphant smile back in the direction of my seat. Yet, before I could reach the safety of my chair, I caught Jackson's gaze fixed upon me. My heart leaped in my chest as his eyes locked with mine. Despite the rush of adrenaline, I managed to whisper, "Thank you," my voice barely audible above the classroom commotion.

"Time's up!" Mr. Williams declared, He rose from his seat, collecting all the answer sheets from our class. Ariel put up quite a struggle before finally surrendering her note, remarking, "Well, I guess a D isn't all bad, right?" Sydney and I burst into laughter at her statement, temporarily forgetting the impending doom of our grades.

"Hey, Sydney, what do you think you're gonna get?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me. She shrugged, a hint of uncertainty in her reply. "I don't know, maybe a B?"

"Oh no, Barbie alert at 8 o'clock," Ariel murmured with a sly grin, causing both Sydney and me to turn and face the imminent threat. The "Barbie Alert" was a code we had devised, indicating the presence of popular girls or their flirtatious antics. And there they were, three of them, swooping in like a flock of perfectly coiffed seagulls, with Rachel leading the pack. I couldn't deny her beauty-blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and flawless skin-it was no wonder she had the guys wrapped around her perfectly manicured finger.

"Hey," Rachel purred as she took a seat next to Jackson, who was engrossed in a book. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his face, hoping to catch any signs of his resistance to her charms.

"Mia, let it go. Besides, if he likes her, what can you do?" Sydney interjected, her gaze filled with concern.

"Yeah, you did say you just wanted to be friends with him... isn't that still the case?" Ariel chimed in, using my own words against me. Ouch, that hit close to home.

"Of course, I still want to be his friend, but that doesn't mean I'll let him get entangled with her," I declared, determination fueling my steps as I approached Jackson's seat. "Um... Jackson," I stammered, my hands sweating nervously, "it's time for your orientation." I blurted out the words, feeling a surge of panic as Rachel's glare bore into me.

"I was talking to him," Rachel hissed, rising from her seat and taking a step closer, her towering presence intimidating. "And who are you? I don't think I've seen you here before." What? We had been in the same class for three years! I screamed internally, but outwardly, I maintained a calm facade.

"I'm..." I trailed off, regretting my decision to step in and save Jackson. Suddenly, a gentle hand pushed me aside, and I found myself standing behind Jackson as he faced Rachel head-on. "She's right, I do have orientation. Maybe we can talk some other time," he replied calmly. Rachel's anger seemed to dissipate when she heard the prospect of a future conversation, while mine simmered beneath the surface.

Ha! I should have known he would be hooked too.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll see you later," Rachel said, giving her signature wink to Jackson before flipping her hair and strutting away, leaving me with a final glare that screamed "don't mess with me."

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