The Pandorica Opens

Start from the beginning

Robyn smiles as River jumps off the horse at Stonehenge, lifting Robyn down after. The Doctor and River start scanning the stones "How come it's not new?" Amy asks. "Because it's already old. It's been here thousands of years. No one knows exactly how long." River tells her. "Okay, this Pandorica thing. Last time we saw you, you warned us about it, after we climbed out of the Byzantium." Amy tells her. "Spoilers." River tells her. "No, but you told the Doctor you'd see him again when the Pandorica opens." Amy says. "Maybe I did, but I haven't yet. But I will have. Doctor, I'm picking up fry particles everywhere. Energy weapons discharged on this site." River tells them. "If the Pandorica is here, it contains the mightiest warrior in history. Now, half the galaxy would want a piece of that. Maybe even fight over it. We need to get down there." the Doctor realises. As night falls, River places a device on each corner of the Altar stone "Right then. Ready." she says. There's the sound of machinery moving, as the Altar stone moves aside to reveal a staircase down into the ground. "The Underhenge." the Doctor says, picking Robyn up. Robyn smiles as he carries her down the stairs, Amy and River following them.

The Doctor lights a torch with his screwdriver before lighting another for River, he then puts Robyn down as he and River unbar the door and walk in "It's a Pandorica." the Doctor says, looking at the big square monument with a circular design on each face. "More than just a fairy tale." River remarks, holding Robyn's hand to keep her close. "There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world." the Doctor says, touching the monument. "How did it end up in there?" Amy asks. "You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it." the Doctor tells her. "I hate good wizards in fairy tales. They always turn out to be him." River tells Amy. "So, it's kind of like Pandora's Box, then? Almost the same name." Amy says. "Sorry, what?" the Doctor asks. "The story. Pandora's Box, with all the worst things in the world in it. That was my favourite book when I was a kid. What's wrong?" Amy asks. "Your favourite school topic. Your favourite story. Never ignore a coincidence, unless you're busy. In which case, always ignore a coincidence." the Doctor says. "So can you open it?" River asks him. "Easily. Anyone can break into a prison. But I'd rather know what I'm going to find first." the Doctor responds.

"You won't have long to wait. It's already opening. There are layers and layers of security protocols in there, and they're being disabled one by one. Like it's being unlocked from the inside." River tells him, scanning the Pandorica. "How long do we have?" the Doctor asks. "Hours at the most." she responds. "What kind of security?" the Doctor asks her. "Everything. Deadlocks, time stops, matter lines." River tells him. "What could need all that?" he asks her. "What could get past all that?" she counters. "Think of the fear that went into making this box. What could inspire that level of fear? Hello, you. Have we met?" the Doctor asks the Pandorica. "So why would it start to open now?" River asks. "No idea." he responds. "Ahem, And how could Vincent have known about it? He won't even be born for centuries." Amy asks. "The stones. These stones are great big transmitters, broadcasting a warning to everyone, everywhere, to every time zone. The Pandorica is opening." the Doctor explains. "Doctor, everyone everywhere?" River asks him. "Even poor Vincent heard it, in his dreams. But what's in there? What could justify all this?" the Doctor asks. "Doctor, everyone?" River asks. "Anything that powerful, I'd know about it. Why don't I know?" he continues. "Doctor, you said everyone could hear it. So who else is coming?" River asks.

"Oh." he says in realisation. "Oh? Oh, what?" Amy asks. "Okay. If it is basically a transmitter, we should be able to fold back the signal." River says. "Doing it." the Doctor tells her, scanning the bases of the Sarsen stones with his screwdriver. "Doing what?" Amy asks. "Stonehenge is transmitting. It's been transmitting for a while, so who heard?" River explains. "Okay, should be feeding back to you now. River, what's out there?" the Doctor asks. "Give me a moment." River tells him. "River, quickly. Anything?" he asks. "Around this planet there are at least ten thousand starships." she responds. "At least?" Amy asks. "Ten thousand, a hundred thousand, a million, I don't know. There's too many readings." River tells them. Robyn shuffles closer to River, holding the bottom of her jacket "What kind of starships?" the Doctor asks. "Maintaining orbit." a dalek says, Robyn whimpering. "I obey. Shield cover compromised on ion sectors." another dalek responds. "Daleks. Those are Daleks." Amy says. "Scan detects no temporal activity. Soft grid scan commencing. Reverse thrust for compensatory stabilisation." a dalek says. "Daleks, Doctor." River tells him. "Launch preliminary armaments protocol." a dalek tells them.

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