Flesh and Stone

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Quick A/N: This next chapter is dedicated to FriendofthePhoenix for all the amazing comments on the previous chapter and your enthusiasm 🖤

River helps Robyn up after they land on the floor "Up! Look up!" the Doctor exclaims. "You Okay?" River asks Amy, helping her up. "What happened?" Amy asks. "We jumped." Robyn tells her. "Jumped where?" Amy asks confused. "Up, up, look up!" the Doctor says again. "Where are we?" Amy asks still confused. "Exactly where we were." River says. "No we're not." Amy tells her. "Move your feet!" the Doctor tells Amy before sonicing an indentation on the floor. "Doctor, what am I looking at? Explain." Amy asks. "Oh, come on, Amy, think! The ship crashed with the power still on, yeah? So what else is still on?" the Doctor asks her. Amy looks at him slightly confused still "The artificial gravity." Robyn tells her. "One good jump, and up we fell. Shot out the grav-globe to give us an updraft, and here we are!" the Doctor continues before going back to sonicing the indentation. "Doctor. The statues, they look more like Angels now." Octavian says making Robyn look up at the Angels. "They're feeding on the radiation from the wreckage, draining all the power from the ship, restoring themselves. Within an hour, they'll be an army!" the Doctor explains before the indentation opens up to a corridor in the ship. The lights start flickering making Robyn step closer to her mum "They're taking out the lights. Look at them, look at the Angels. Into the ship, now, quickly all of you!" the Doctor says before jumping into the hole. "But how? Doctor!" Amy exclaims. Robyn smiles as she peers into the hole to see the Doctor standing upright "It's just a corridor. The gravity orientates to the floor. Now, in here, all of you, don't take your eyes off the Angels. Move, move, move!" the Doctor tells them. Robyn jumps in first and goes over t the Doctor as he uses his sonic on a keypad.

The others join them in the corridor "The Angels, presumably they can jump up too?" Octavian asks. Just then the door closes with everyone inside "They're here. Now. In the dark, we're finished. Run!" the Doctor orders. The large door behind them closes blocking their only escape "This whole place is a death trap." Octavian comments. "No, it's a time bomb. Well, it's a death trap and a time bomb. And now it's a dead end. Nobody panic." the Doctor tells them. The Angels start trying to come in through the exterior door "Oh, just me then. What's through here?" the Doctor asks pointing at the door. "Secondary flight deck." River responds. "Okay, so we've basically run up the inside of a chimney, yeah? So what if the gravity fails?" Amy asks as River begins to work on bypassing the power. "I've thought about that." the Doctor responds. "And?" she asks. "And we'll all plunge to our deaths. See. I've thought about it. The security protocols are still live. There's no way to override them, it's impossible." the Doctor says. "How impossible?" River asks. "Two minutes." he tells her. The engines power down and the way in opens "The hull is breached and the power's failing." Octavian says. The lights go out a d they see an arm of an Angel through the opening "Sir! Incoming!" a Cleric tells them. "Doctor! Lights." Amy exclaims.

The Doctor turns and uses his sonic to help River, the lights come on briefly and they see an Angel making its way inside. Robyn watches them as the lights go out again, when they come back on four Angels are inside the corridor with them "Clerics, keep watching them." Octavian tells his men. "And don't look at their eyes. Anywhere else. Not the eyes. I've isolated the lighting grid. They can't drain the power now." the Doctor says. "Good work, Doctor." Octavian compliments. "Yes. good. Good in many ways, good you like it so far..." the Doctor trails off. "So far?" Robyn asks. "Well, there's only one way to open this door. I guess I'll need to route all the power in this section through the door control." he explains. "Good, fine, do it." Octavian tells him. "Including the lights. All of them. I'll need to turn out the lights." the Doctor adds. "How long for?" Octavian asks. "Fraction of a second, maybe longer. Maybe quite a bit longer." he responds. "Maybe?" Octavian asks him. "I'm guessing. We're being attacked by statues in a crashed ship, there isn't a manual for this!" the Doctor exclaims. Robyn goes over to her mum and stands close to her "Doctor, we lost the torches. We'll be in total darkness." Amy tells him. "No other way. Bishop?" the Doctor asks. "Dr Song, I've lost good Clerics today. You trust this man?"Octavian asks River. "I absolutely trust him." River tells him. "He's not some kind of madman then?" Octavian asks. "I absolutely trust him." River repeats. The Doctor smiles "Excuse me." he says before he goes back to work on the door. Robyn smiles and goes over to him to help if she can "Okay. Doctor, we've got your back." Octavian confirms. "Bless you. Bishop." the Doctor thanks.

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