Cold Blood

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Robyn watches as Rory tends to an injured "I'm a nurse, you should've told me." Rory tells the older man. They suddenly hear screaming in the basement making the three of them jump up and rush down the basement stairs to see Alaya lying on the floor wheezing, Ambrose stood with a taser in her hand. "Stay here." Rory tells Robyn, not wanting her to see what's happening. He rushes to Alaya to see if he can help her "Ambrose... What've you done?" Tony asks his daughter. "She kept taunting me about Mo and Elliot and you." Ambrose responds. "We have to be better than this!" Tony exclaims, taking the taser off her. "She wouldn't tell me anything. I thought sooner or later, she'd give in. I would've done. I just... I just want my family back, Dad." Ambrose responds. "I'm sorry. How do we help you? Tell us what to do." Rory pleads with Alaya. "I knew this would come. And soon the war." Alaya responds. "You're not dying. I'm not going to let you, not today..." Rory trails off as she dies. "I didn't know it would go like that, Dad." Ambrose tells Tony. "Oh, my little girl, what have you done?" Tony says as he hugs her. "What happens now?" Ambrose asks. Rory goes over and picks up Robyn; covering her eyes so she doesn't see the body as he carries her over to a box to sit on, facing away from Alaya.

Just then an old computer monitor turns on to show a homoreptilia on screen "Oh, my God." Ambrose says. "Who is the ape leader?" the homoreptilia asks. "It's them. How are they doing that? How do they know that we're in here?" Ambrose asks, covering Alaya's body with a tarp. "Who speaks for the apes?" the homoreptilia asks. "Don't tell them what's happened." Tony tells Rory. Nodding he steps forward "I speak for the... humans. Some of us, anyway." Rory tells them. "Do you understand who we are?" the homoreptilia asks. "Sort of. A bit. Not really." Rory responds. "We have ape hostages." the homoreptilia tells them, the camera moves to show the Doctor, Amy, Nasreen and Mo all tied to pillars "Doctor! Amy!" Rory exclaims. "Mo! Mo, are you okay?" Ambrose asks. "I'm fine, love! I've found Elliot. I'm bringing him home!" Mo responds. "Amy! I thought I'd lost you!" Rory exclaims. "What, cos I was sucked into the ground? You're so clingy." Amy jokes. "Tony Mack!" Nasreen smiles. "Having fun down there?" Tony asks. "Not to interrupt, but just a quick reminder to stay calm." the Doctor pipes up. "Show me Alaya. Show me and release her, immediately, unharmed, or we kill your friends one by one." the homoreptilia tells them. "No!" Ambrose exclaims. "Ambrose..." Rory starts. "Steady now, everyone." the Doctor tells them.

Robyn looks at the Doctor hoping he can see that something is wrong, the Doctor nods subtly at her making her smile slightly "Ambrose, stop it!" Tony tells his daughter. "Get off me, Dad! We didn't start this!" Ambrose exclaims. "Let Rory deal with this Ambrose, eh!" the Doctor tells her. "We're not doing what you say any more. Now, give me back my family!" Ambrose demands. "No. Execute the girl." the homoreptilia declares. "No! No, wait!" Rory exclaims. "Rory!" Amy exclaims as solider take Amy from the pillar. "She's not speaking for us!" Rory tries as Amy is pushed to the center of the room in front of the soldiers. "There's no need for this..." the Doctor starts. "Listen! Listen! Whatever you want... we'll do it!" Rory exclaims. "Aim." the homoreptilia tells the soldiers. "Amy!" Rory exclaims. "Rory!" Amy shouts back. "Don't do this!" the Doctor tells them. "No!" Rory exclaims as they lose the connection and the screen goes static. Rory hits the monitor, trying to get the connection back "Nothing! I've got to get down there." he says, going to walk away. "Rory! Hello!" the Doctor smiles, the picture coming back. "Where's Amy?" Rory asks. "She's fine, look, here, she is." the Doctor says, moving to the side so Rory can see her. "Oh, thank God." Rory sighs as Robyn smiles. "Keeping you on your toes!" Amy smiles. "No time to chat. Listen, you need to get down here... Go to the drill storeroom, there's a large patch of earth in the middle of the floor. The Silurians are going to send up transport discs to bring you back down using geothermal energy and gravity bubble-technology. It's how they travel and frankly it's pretty cool. Bring Alaya. We hand her over, we can land this after all. All going to work, promise. Got to dash! Hurry up!" the Doctor explains before the screen goes dead again. "The moment we get down there, everything will fall apart." Tony sighs. "We have to return her. They deserve at least that." Rory responds.

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