The Vampires of Venice

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Robyn walks down the corridor of the Tardis to find Amy and the Doctor with a new man in the console room "What, like a date?" Amy asks

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Robyn walks down the corridor of the Tardis to find Amy and the Doctor with a new man in the console room "What, like a date?" Amy asks. "Anywhere you want, any time you want. One condition - it has to be amazing. The Moulin Rouge in 1890! The first Olympic Games! Think of it as a wedding present, because, frankly, it's either this or tokens." the Doctor says walking up from below the console before looking at the man's stunned expression "It's a lot to take in, isn't it? Tiny box, huge room inside. What's that about? Let me explain." he starts explaining as he walks up the first couple of steps, spotting Robyn. "It's another dimension." the man pipes up. "It's basically another dimen... What?" the Doctor asks turning to face the man that Robyn has realised is Rory, Amy's fiancé. "After Prisoner Zero, I've been reading up on all the latest scientific theories; FTL travel, parallel universes." Rory explains. "I like the bit when someone says, It's bigger on the inside! I always look forward to that." the Doctor pours. "It's bigger on the inside!" Robyn giggles from the top of the steps. "Hey you, come here." the Doctor smiles scooping her up into his arms and giving her quick tickle, making her laugh. "So, this date. I'm kind of done with running down corridors. What do you think, Rory?" Amy asks. "How about somewhere... romantic?" the Doctor asks as he sets the Tardis in motion. Robyn giggles and squirms out the Doctor's arms and runs over to Amy who picks her up "Is that Rory?" she whispers into Amy's ear. Amy nods and takes her over to Rory "Robyn this is Rory. Rory this is Robyn, she's the daughter of a friend of ours." Amy introduces. "Hi." Robyn smiles shyly. "Hey." Rory responds giving her a smile.

The Doctor lands the Tardis as Robyn jumps out Amy's arms "Can I go first this time?" she ask him. "Be my guest Little Bird." the Doctor smiles. Grinning Robyn runs to the Tardis doors which open without her touching them "Thank you TD." Robyn tells the time machine, getting a whir in response. Robyn steps out into a busy market place, the Doctor, Amy and Rory following "Where do you think?" the Doctor asks Robyn. "Venice!" Robyn responds. The Doctor smiles and spins her before putting her on his hip "Venice! Venezia! La Serenissima! Impossible city. Preposterous city! Founded by refugees running from Attila the Hun. It was just a collection of little wooden huts in the marsh, but became one of the most powerful cities in the world. Constantly being invaded, constantly flooding... constantly... Just beautiful! Oh, you gotta love Venice. And so many people did. Byron, Napoleon, Casanova. Oooh, that reminds me." he says quickly checking his watch "1580. That's all right. Casanova doesn't get born for 145 years. Don't want to run into him. I owe him a chicken." he explains making Robyn giggle. "You owe Casanova a chicken?" Rory asks. "Long story. We had a bet." the Doctor tells him.

Just then an official looking man dressed in black steps over to them, blocking their way "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Papers, if you please. Proof of residency, current bill of medical inspection." he says. "There you go, fella. All to your satisfaction, I think you'll find." the Doctor says handing the man his psychic paper. The official bows deeply "I am so sorry, Your Holiness. Your Highness. I didn't realise." he apologises. "No worries. You were just doing your job. Sorry, what exactly is your job?" the Doctor asks taking the paper back. "Checking for aliens, visitors from foreign lands what might bring the plague with them." the Official explains. "Oh, that's nice See where you bring me? The plague!" Amy glares slapping the Doctor's arm and making Robyn giggle. "Don't worry, Viscountess. No, we're under quarantine here, no-one comes in, no-one goes out, and all because of the grace and wisdom of our patron, Signora Rosanna Calvierri." the Official assures Amy as he points to the crest on the box he's carrying. "How interesting. I heard the plague died out years ago." the Doctor says. "Not out there. No, Signora Calvierri has seen it with her own eyes. Streets are piled high with bodies, she said." the Official responds. "Did she, now?" the Doctor murmurs before he carries on walking. Robyn smiles "I'm a Princess." she says. "That you are." the Doctor chuckles.

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