The Hungry Earth

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Robyn sits in the her bedroom when the Tardis throws a cushion at her to get her attention "Hey, TD!" she pouts

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Robyn sits in the her bedroom when the Tardis throws a cushion at her to get her attention "Hey, TD!" she pouts. The Tardis warps at her before shaking and flashing the lamp next to her bed, going over she finds a note attached to the lampshade:

My Dearest Little Robyn,
As you can probably tell I took the Tardis for a little trip while you were out with the Doctor, Amy and Rory. I bumped into your Uncle Jack in the 1890's, that was an adventure. He thought he'd lost you so I had to explain that you were pulled into the future by the Tardis, while we fighting off a sentient crystal, good to say he calmed down after that. I left a few new dresses and shoes in your wardrobe I thought you'd like. I hope that we'll have another adventure together soon. I miss you.
Love always,
Mama xx

Smiling Robyn puts the note in her keepsake box with all the other letters from her mother "Thanks TD." she tells the Tardis with a smile. Just then there is a knock on the door followed by Rory poking his head in "You ready to go?" he asks. "Yep." Robyn smiles jumping up and holding Rory's hand, letting him lead her down to the console room. "There you are, let's go." the Doctor smiles while lifting Robyn and spinning her, making her squeal and giggle before they head out the Tardis. "Behold... Rio!" the Doctor exclaims opening the door to reveal a cemetery in definitely not Rio. Amy and Rory follow them out "Nuh-uh." Amy tells him. "Not really getting the sunshine carnival vibe." Rory adds. "No. Ooh, feel that, though, what's that?" the Doctor asks bouncing "Ground feels strange... Just me. Wait... That's weird." he says. "What's weird?" Rory asks. "Doctor, stop trying to distract us. We're in the wrong place." Amy starts as the Doctor runs round to the side of the church. "Doctor, it's freezing and I've dressed for Rio. We are not stopping here." she continues. The Doctor plucks some grass and starts looking at it "Doctor! You listening to me? It's a graveyard! You promised me a beach." Amy tells him. "Blue grass. Patches of it all round the graveyard." the Doctor tells them.

Robyn looks at the grass and bounces in place, the Doctor notices and smiles "So, Earth, 2020-ish, ten years in your future, wrong continent for Rio, I'll admit, but it's not a massive overshoot." he tells them. Amy notices two people on the other side of the valley waving at them "Why are those people waving at us?" she asks. The Doctor looks at where Amy is "Can't be." he says. Rory starts to wave back but Amy stops him, the Doctor takes out binoculars and looks through them "It is! It's you two." he tells them. "No, we're here. How can we be up there?!" Rory asks. "Ten years in your future." Robyn points out. "Come to relive past glories, I'd imagine. Humans, you're so nostalgic." the Doctor remarks. "We're still together in ten years?" Amy asks. "No need to sound so surprised!" Rory tells her. "Hey, let's go and talk to them! We can say hi to Future Us! How cool is that?" Amy asks taking Rory's arm and starting to head off. "No, best not, really best not. These things get complicated very quickly, and... oh, look! Big mining thing. Oh, I love a big mining thing. See, way better than Rio! Rio doesn't have a big mining thing." the Doctor tells them pointing at a drill in the distance. "We're not going to have a look, are we?" Amy asks. "Let's go and have a look!" the Doctor picks Robyn up and starts to head down into the valley "Come on, let's see what they're doing." he tells the others.

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