"I didn't blow you off, I just had other important things to do Madison. You're doing the most right now and it's irritating me."

"I don't fucking care if you're irritated Kelz because it seems as though anything I say or do irritates you. And to say you had other important things to do such as partying than spend time with your girlfriend is bs."

He looks like he's about to speak but I cut him off.

"No, you don't get to speak because I'm not finished. I'm so tired of you Kelz. I'm tired of not being appreciated, not being loved, and not being heard. You don't love me the way I love you. You don't care for me the way I care for you. YOU DON'T HEAR ME that way I HEAR YOU. "

"I do hear you Madison. I hear you complain all day every day about nothing. You cry like a baby when I don't let you get your way. All you do is talk and I'm starting to get tired of it."

"Damn right, I complain because you do nothing for me or this home you live in. I complain because you can't do any simple task that I ask like washing the dishes or even cleaning the bathroom. And yes I do cry and it's all because of you. You berate me like I'm a child for expressing myself to you. I'm tired of this Kelz. "

I laugh a little but there is no humor behind it at all.

"You don't care about me or how I feel and I don't think you ever have. You treat me like shit and I've allowed you to do so for a long time. You cheat on me constantly and I just began to act like I don't know that you do it because I am afraid of being by myself but I think being by myself is the best thing for me because even in this relationship I am always alone. Like tonight I know you cheated on me and you want to know how I know? I know because you still have lipstick all over the side of your neck and you have fresh hickeys that I know that I didn't leave there."

He looks up at me shocked like he didn't expect me to know of his continuous infidelity. But even with his shocked expression, I continued to talk.

"You never come home when you say you are. You rather party than spend time with me. You rather be around your friends than go on a date with your girlfriend. You rather be anywhere else than at home with me and do you even know how that makes me feel? It makes me feel like I don't matter to you. You only come here when you want to sleep. This is our apartment yet I'm the one who pays all the bills. I'm the one who keeps our cabinets and refrigerator stocked with food. This is our apartment but yet I'm who cooks and cleans every inch of this place. I brought all the furniture and decor for our home. You put in nothing and I didn't even complain. I'm tired of this relationship and I'm tired of putting up with you. So I'm done, we're done"


"You heard me we're over."

"We are not over I can change Mads."

"It's too late for your change Kelz. I've been waiting for you to change all on your own but you haven't. You haven't put effort into us the last 3 years. You haven't taken me on a date in 3 years. you haven't brought me any anniversary gifts, valentine's gifts, or even birthday gifts in over 3 years. But you have brought all your friends birthday gifts and christmas gifts. Tuh you have even bought some of the girls you cheated on me with gifts, ha bet you didn't think I knew that. You haven't gotten me flowers in forever. I constantly have to treat myself because you don't do these things for me. There's nothing wrong with treating myself but my boyfriend should also treat me. I sat here and waited for you for hours just for you to never show up on time. I cooked our favorite meal just for it to go cold because you never showed up. You never show up for me. This has been a one-sided relationship and I'm done with it. So please get your things and leave MY apartment."

And with that, I walk to my bedroom.

Kelz comes following behind me talking about how he'll change and do better but it's a little too late for that isn't it?

I didn't say anything to him and I just changed my clothes to get in bed. after a while, he realizes that I'm not going to say anything and begins to pack up his clothes silently.

When he's done packing he looks at me and tells me goodbye and with that, he's gone.

Once I hear the front door closed I begin to sob. The tears falling from my eyes are not just tears of heartbreak but they are tears of happiness also. Yes, my relationship is over but I don't have to constantly be ignored and disrespected anymore. I don't have to be told that what I'm feeling is dumb and that I should grow up and get over it. I'm no longer going to be treated like I don't matter. I am free of that toxic behavior and it feels so good.

Yes, I know that I shouldn't have stayed in such a relationship for so long but when you're with somebody from a young age it's hard to let go. It's hard because at that time it feels like they are all you know and that they're all that you have. The love that you have for them is what keeps you there even when you know that you aren't being treated the way you should. I want you to come to the realization that you deserve better and that you deserve more you know that it's time to leave.

Sorry, I know that this chapter isn't really about happy love or anything and it's more about heartbreak and the love that you are receiving from a partner. This story is mostly based on my personal experience of a relationship that I had. I had to change the ages a bit because my incident took place when I was a little bit younger and it truly messed me up for a while so yeah after this we are back to the regularly scheduled programming. 

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