WE are Spider-Man

Start from the beginning

"ENOUGH SHIT!" I roared. "You heard Saber.. WHERE.. IS.. ROGUE!!"

I felt Saber stir next to me, as if surprised by the amount of anger I now showed. 

And on the final syllable.. as soon as I uttered Rogue's name, the cup on the alter shuddered, and multiple black grasping tentacles slithered out like spikes rapidly, before retracting back inside like an octopus in its den.

"I can see why Assassin said not to touch that.." Rin said, looking stunned. 

Kotomine's eyes widened slightly as he looked at me. "My.. what a reaction.. it seems to like you quite a bit.."

"You and me!!" I snarled. I didn't know why.. but.. my anger was erupting through me like a hellish monster.  It was as if the cup itself's presence was triggering me somehow. But that had to be impossible. "You shithead priest!"

"No quips?" said the Priest. "My my.. I'm hurt. Very well.. you want Rogue?" 

Kotomine turned to look up at the cross as I finally was able to get a good look at it through the shadows. 

What I saw horrified me.. 

She was bloodied.. beaten and bruised half to death.. her wrists and ankles tied to the cross in a sick crucifixion.. her clothes, or what remained of them.. barely hung on her body.. humiliating her as she stared down at us.. tearfully and barely conscious. 

"Pe.. ter.." Rogue rasped. "R.. run.." 

"What.. did you DO!?"  Saber growled. "Are you an animal!?"

"Close but no cigar. Berserker is the animal.. I merely allowed him to show his true nature to his former master." said Kotomine with a chuckle.

"You.. forced him.. to beat his own.. " I whispered, my body began to tremble now with rage, as the cup on the alter rattled violently and the tentacles on the cup began to rattle. 

"Force-? He's a Berserker.. no.. a Servant.. he is merely a tool.. nothing more.."  Said Kirei. "So.. what are you going to do about it? You have no way to beat him. This is as far as you go... Spider-Man. You don't even have a way to destroy the device in this Grail. We MADE this vessel to be the Lesser Grail for a reason.. "

"Everything has a weakness." said Rin. "Sides.. this war can use a different Lesser Grail.. long as the Greater Grail still exists.."

"You sound so confident." said Kotomine with a chuckle. "And what do you have that can possibly destroy this Grail?"

"Oh I don't know... maybe the particle accelerator in Ms. Einzbern's lab..?" I said. 

"And how exactly do you plan on getting it there?" Kirei asked. 

"Glad you stipulated that question so clearly. If I could just ask my assistant to demonstrate!" I said. "MJ.. NOW!"

"Yaaaaaahhhhh!!" MJ popped out from behind the pews of the church and threw several gemstones at Kotomine, each of which just bounced off him and clattered to the floor. 

There was a pause. 

"What was that supposed to do!?" MJ screamed at Rin.  "YOU SAID THESE WOULD EXPLODE!!"

"It was supposed to- well.. maybe it was dud-" Rin began. 

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!" a huge magic explosion shook the alter, ringing my ears. 

It was now or never. 

"THANKS FOR THE PRESENT! BYE!!" I hurled a web at the cub and pulled it right into my hand. I dashed out the front door and made to leap into the city, but as I did, there was a roar and Berserker came charging from behind. 

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