Chapter 6: The Meeting

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Shouta and Toshinori was in a meeting at the heroes meeting.
They were having an arguement about the upcoming war between the League of Villains and 220 ranks of heroes.

"The league, is planning to destroy the whole world! That's why we sent Mirko and Present mic to investigate in the lab where they experiment Shigaraki Tomura! Are you blind!?"
Midnight yelled out loud.

"You dont know what you are doing! Clearly all you know is be a R-Rated Hero! You never knew how to fight!" The president of the meeting yelled at her.

Midnight almost punched the president due to anger, But Kamui Woods stopped her.
She had no choice but to seat down on her seat. The president had a plan, but a horrible one. Its so bad that half of the 220 ranks will die.

"We will send Eraser Head, Endeavor, Ryuku and Best Jeanist on the battle with Shigaraki."

Toshinori stood up and slammed his hand on the desk to make a silence.

"What?! Are you out of your mind?! You are not sending Eraser Head in battle! What made you think that?!"

"Allmight! Calm down! He can help the other heroes by Erasing Shigaraki's quirk!"

"What about his quirk!? He cant hold his eyes open for an hour! He'll go blind!"

The others stayed quiet, Toshinori got a point. Ever since the USJ arc started, Shouta was having problems with his quirk due to the injury the Nomu gave him.

Midnight stormed off and slammes the door to release her anger.
Shouta sighed and broke the silence.
"I'll go." Toshinori was shock.
He approached Shouta and held both his Shoulders.

"Shouta! Are you hearing yourself!? You cant do this!"

"What choice do we have, Allmight?! I cant leave my duty as a hero."

The others were just watching them while the president of the meeting just planned that and that is it.


"Okay! Since you agree to fight with Shigaraki, Fatgum, Cementoss, Midnight, Ms. Joke, Kamui Woods, Majestic, Mt. Lady and your students will fight at the hostpital where Present Mic and Mirko found the lab."

Mt. Lady and Kamui Didnt agree.
The students are included and that was not right.

"Hold On! Why are we letting some kids join this battle!!?? Its dangerous! They are just kids!"
Kamui woods protaste.

"I dont care, I'll send 13, Crust and the others to help Mirko and Present Mic. Just report me."

All of the Heroes stood up and left in anger. How dare the president do that? Even the students are inclides to the fight.

Shouta can still see how disapointed
Toshinori was. But it's for the best.
If he turn back on his work as a Pro Hero, he would be disqualified.


"Go on....fight....I will let you now. Just dont die. Because if you die, I will never forgive you and myself.."

Does words made Shouta's heart broke. Toshi was scared to loose him. Shouta hugged Toshinori who was crying.

"I promise you that....I will not


Soon after.

The war had started 3 months ago, the heroes had no sleep fighting the villains. Half of the 220 ranks died.
And 89 are injured. 131 are fighting.
Midnight died after being burnt and crushed by Dabi and Mr. Compress.
Mt. Lady was unconcious due to fighting Gigantomachia. Endeavor, Bakugou, Midoriya, Shoto and Shouta were still fighting.

Half of the world are watching live.
Or, all of them. All their loved ones are watching in horror, crying, praying and begging for them to be alive.

"Eraser, can you still use your quirk? Do you want to rest?"

"I cant....If I blink, Shigaraki will kill my students!"

Shouta wasnt able to blink his eye, but thanks to Manual he can still use his quirk.

Mirko was in the hospital, her leg and arm was cut off while fighting somw highend nomus.

Everything was going downhill, Shouta cant use his quirk anymore but he had no choice.

Shigaraki made a plan to make Shouta blink. By killing him.
Shigaraki shotted Shouta with a quirk killing bullet to made Shouta loose his quirk. When it hit Shouta, he quickly grabbed his blade behind him and cut off his leg.

"You are so cool, Eraser...."

Midoriya was able to stop Shigaraki. But due to his speed, he was able to approach Shouta and kill him.
Shouta didnt noticed that Shigaraki was infront of him, Shigaraki quickly grabbed Shouta's face and was able to kill his eye.

Shouta fainted due to the injury in his face. Toshinori watched in horror, he cant do anything but to watch. He was at U.A, with Eri.
He didnt let Eri watch his father die, she was too young.

Midoriya screamed.

Midoriya released all his anger to Shigaraki. He used his quirk to kill him.


Hearing Midoriya say that word, Bakugou and Shoto helped Midoriya and Endeavor.

But, It was all over now....Gigantomachia had reached their battle field. The heroes are loosing, half of them are dead.
And some are injured to fight.

"Shouta....Please.....dont die"

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