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Before she'd even risen the next morning Ophelia had a uniform in a box which had been placed by the foot of her bed. It was tight, all black with red elements and it seemed they would all have different numbers depending on each persons district.

She changed into the clothing that was surprisingly comfortable though really that would make sense.

Breakfast that morning had been overrun with non-acknowledged awkwardness between her and Gale. Last night as they returned he had given her quite the telling off in the elevator. He'd reminded her about five times how dangerous Cato Hadley would be and that was all within the two minute elevator ride. He'd scolded her for being so close to him, because if anyone else had wandered in there and seen them they'd more than likely think there had been something going on with how close they had been. He had even questioned her over whether she had actually met him before because you don't get that close to someone you've never met. Wrongly Ophelia just stood there in silence, she hadn't tried to defend her actions, hadn't argued back, she just stared at the lift doors until they finally opened.

That had been the point Gale had near woken everyone else up with his yell asking her why she wasn't listening to him. She'd then for the first time responded with saying 'last I checked I don't report to you' followed with 'therefore thanks for the advice but I can take care of myself' to this Gale had just yelled that she clearly couldn't.

Haymitch and Effie could quite clearly sense the tension between the two. Staring back and forth, trying to start meaningless conversations. Eventually Haymitch would catch Ophelia's eye mouthing to ask if she were okay which she'd nod to. Not that he believed it.

After the painfully awkward breakfast they'd made their way down to the training room that hadn't had the same chill as it did last night. Upon entering the pair had to walk past Cato who would only make watch Ophelia's every move until they'd stood still, Gale standing in a way that Cato could no longer see her. The blonde had wondered what this guys deal was for a moment. Did they really have a thing? Had he read her response wrong the night before? He couldn't know but he would certainly find out.

The tributes had been warned once again not to cause injury to the remaining tributes during her training as there would be plenty of time for that in the arena. How lovely. They'd been told of how many tributes would die from natural causes and what not. Eventually allowing the tributes to commence their first day of training. In reality it had been far from safe, weapons covered the room, weapons that very easily could be used to murder someone at any time. She'd suppose that had been why none of the mentors had joined them.

She watched Cato immediately make his way to a rack of swords. Varying lengths, widths and he had gone for one that would be roughly the length of his forearm. She tried to discreetly watch just what he'd chosen to do with his selected weapon. Meanwhile taking sparing glances at the other careers in his little group. Clove had gone for knives which she threw with impeccable accuracy, she would be a threat. Glimmer had picked up a crossbow, within the five minutes Ophelia had been surveying she hadn't hit the target once. Marvel seemed to just be jumping around with a spear in hand though it would seem he knew how to use it which could pose problems for Ophelia who also knew how to use the spear.

Finally Cato swung the sword he'd lifted mercilessly decapitating about five dummies within a minute. How charming, Ophelia had thought.

Gale eventually pulled at her arm tugging her towards a rack covered in knives. That would've concerned her if it hadn't been for her current situation. In her turning to now face Gale she hadn't noticed Cato's attention turn to her, or rather Gale's grip on her arm. Cato had been trained since he'd been twelve to eliminate anyone male or female and yet the look of his tight grip which would more than likely sting send shivers down him. It would sound ludicrous someone being willing to murder in an arena in order to win not liking the way a woman was grabbed but that had been exactly what was happening.

A DEADLY DEVOTION ~ Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now