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Ophelia had been punching into that stupid bag harder than ever. Between Cato's taunting and Gales ego she'd had enough. She'd been attempting to teach herself self defence though it would prove difficult defending yourself from yourself—no partner meant no training really. She'd been trying nonetheless.

Stepping back she dropped the gloves to the mat below her lifting a bottle filled with icy cold water that felt like a gift chilling her entire overheated body from one sip. She'd asked Effie if they'd had any cold water or ice and she'd found her just about the most chilled water she'd ever had without it being complete ice. Ophelia would take a few sips before sitting it down to calm her wild breathing. She let her hands rest at the top of the bag above her head which had been pressed to the bag. She'd been practicing her breathing. Who could've known what would be in that arena upon entry, it could be water and she'd learn to regulate her breathing and hold her breath as long as she could. At the minute her best time was just under four minutes. After these sessions had been when she'd practiced regulating her breathing, keeping her calm.

Ophelia had never been in a situation like this one, no one would have prior to being reaped but at least the careers were trailed by previous victor's for six years before volunteering. Ophelia had never had the time to teach herself these sorts of skills before, her main goal had been keeping herself fed and alive in the small hut that used to be owned by her father. The thought of that man made her shiver despite her sweating.

She'd heard the door open and close slowly behind her but she refused to jump around and give who she knew would be Cato the satisfaction of her fear.

Instead she'd pushed herself off the bag and stretched her neck hearing one crack which resulted in a deep hum of relief. Cato couldn't help the blissful feeling that ran down his spine at the sound. He enjoyed this game, her pretending to ignore him knowing she'd heard him enter. It was like a game of cat and mouse and Cato revelled in that sort.

He watched her shoulder blades flex and her shoulders roll before she turned around, looking right through him as though he wasn't there. He couldn't help but smirk and hum out a deep laugh as she made her way toward the door. She had even smacked into his arm in her passing knowing he wouldn't budge but still a little disappointed he hadn't.

As the girl went to pull the door open Cato's hand clasped to the top corner stopping it from being pulled inward. Listening to her sigh was like music to his ears.

"Did I hurt your feelings?" He kept his hand there even though she'd stopped after around four attempts to yank the thing.

"No" straight to the point and blunt, Ophelia had rarely been that way but today she was.

"How's your finger?" He cooed above the girls ear, his body practically caging her into the dip of the door frame, when she hadn't answer his hand lifted slightly to better against the glass, "look at me" he barked an order at the girl.

Initially she wasn't going to bend to his demand but it would only be more infuriating for him if he believed she would listen to his every demand only for her to pair back at him last minute.

Turning her body she couldn't help the glint of surprise that caught her by his extremely close proximity. Sucking in a breath she met his eye.

"Someone's snappy today" was all she'd say.

Cato's lips tugged upward again at the sound of the beautifully sarcastic voice that came from her. She kept her hands clasped behind her back while she stared up at him. He enjoyed this more than he should, looking down into her eyes. He'd elected to avoid her the past few days because he'd told himself it wasn't worth it—he'd need to kill her off to win—but then he'd realise he was allowed to indulge if she did in turn.

A DEADLY DEVOTION ~ Cato Hadleyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن