Fight fire with fire

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Carinas pov

I haven't talked to Maya in a few days, I thought I was ready. I clearly wasn't. I'm still mourning the life we could've had. Work is going by fast, thankfully, then I don't have to think too much about us.

I head back to my office, working on a few files I didn't have time to do earlier. After working for a while, I lay down on the couch in my office. I might as well take a nap while I can.

Mayas pov

It's boring at work because I'm not cleared to go into the field yet, so it's all paperwork. I'm still going on calls, but I can't participate. I just have to lead my team from the sidelines. It's frustrating, but there's nothing I can do about it until I'm cleared. Besides, it was my fault.

The klaxon rings out, Station 19, Engine 19, Ladder 19, Aid Car to Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. My heart drops. Carina.

I rush downstairs and into my turnouts, just following protocol. That's all I can do. My heart is racing as we drive to the hospital with sirens blaring. Thankfully I'm not driving. I grab Ben's hand, both of us terrified for our wives. "I haven't heard from Bailey, anything from Carina?" He asks. "No" I reply, texting her again.

We get to the hospital and the scene is out of a movie. One side is entirely engulfed in flames, the other standing strong. Once we stop the truck we hop out, and are I start to deal out jobs to people. I know most of the hospital like the back of my hand.

As I watch the duos run into their respective parts of the hospital, my heart sinks. Is it selfish that I sent my best firefighters to find my wife? Is it selfish that I'm not in there with them?

"Captain, fire seems to be spreading east." I hear from Vic and Ben. "21 just arrived, start putting it out, backup is coming." I reply.

"Captain, the fire is approaching the OR's." Jacks voice rings out. I know what that means. Anyone should know what that means. Fire and oxygen. "I'm sending in a team from 21 with a hose, try to evacuate whoever you can." I reply. My voice is weak.

Thats where offices are. I'm praying Carina isn't in her office. I'm praying she's already out safe. "Sending people out, have EMT's ready" I hear Andy's voice ring out. I tell the EMT's what Andy said, trying to keep it together. I can't get Carina off my mind.

I see Amelia and Teddy both wheeling out patients, Meredith and Bailey following. "Captain we're sending out more civilians." Andy says. I search the second group for Carina, but she's not there. "Amelia.." I say to her, my eyes begging for an answer. "She's still inside. Her patient went into labor" amelia replies before coughing.

"Captain the fire is almost at three oxygen lines, we only have a few minutes." Jacks voice rings out. "19, evacuate civilians and get out of the building. After fire reaches the OR it's not going to be structurally sound on the west side. Let's go" I say through the intercom.

Jacks pov

"Deluca. You have to go." I yell to Carina, who's currently delivering a baby in her office. "Jack I can't move her right now, we'll lose both of them." She replies. "Deluca. The buildings gonna go up in flames, then we'll lose all four of us." I reply. I open the door to her office, and see Carina preforming a c-section.

Carina gives me that look, the "please" look. I know Bishop will kill me if I leave her wife, and Carina wouldn't be able to live with herself if we couldn't get her patients safe. The only option I have is to stay.

"Gibson, get the civilians and evacuate." I hear over my radio. "What do you need?" I ask Carina. I hold a clamp for her as she closes up while also holding the crying baby. "Gibson, radio back. You need to evacuate." Bishops voice rings out again.

After Carina finishes, I peak outside. The hallway is engulfed in flames. "I'll take the mom, you take the baby. Cover your mouthes. Alright, let's go. Don't look back." I say to her. She wraps the baby in her white coat, covering its mouth gently with the material. With her other hand she holds her scrub cap over her mouth.

I pick up the mom and motion Carina out the door. She puts her hand on the handle, and that's all I remember before waking up on the floor of her office. "Gibson, radio back. We're sending in rescue, we need your location." Bishops voice says, waking me up.

I look around, where's Carina?

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