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My hand slipped from Harry's grasp as I found myself escaping out into the empty courtyard. The halls were silent as students had already been rushed into their classrooms. My arms spread out like wings as I leaned my head back, allowing for the sun to shine down on my face. Or, at least what of the sun we have received today.

"Drea." Harry called out, softly.

I ignored him. Just continued standing, smiling up at the sky. Enjoying the moment. For just a split second, every other thing that's happened faded away. Gone. It was just me and the Earth. For a brief second, I felt almost as if my feet were lifting off from the ground.

"Drea." Harry repeated, his voice remaining soft as to not bring attention to the two of us.

I've snapped from the trance as his voice brought me back to reality once more. "Harry." I smiled at him, mocking the soft voice he used.

"We should- uh- We should start to head back to-"

I reached my hand out for his, "Nobody's around."

"You don't know that," He said to me, "Filch could come around any second."

"Who cares?" My eyes focused back on the sky above us.

"What is going on with you?"

My eyes fell back upon him. His piercing blue-green eyes shining in the daylight. His lips formed a bit of a straight line - almost as if he wanted to smile, but also wanted to remain serious at the same time. "Nothing." I threw my hands up, "Honest, Harry. I'm fine."


I grabbed ahold of his hand, pulling his body up against mine. "I swear. Nothing's going on." I chuckled, mostly to myself, "I'm still the same old Drea Malfoy that you met during your first year... just five years ago." My fingers interlocked with his as I smiled at him - our eyes locking on one another. "Your eyes are so sparkly." I smiled.

A bit of blush flushed Harry's cheeks. "Are you trying to change the subject?"

"You could get lost in them," I added, "almost as if you were lost at sea."

Footsteps sounded down the Corridor behind us. A bit distant sounding but coming towards us.

"Told you." said Harry. Before he could say anything else, I held tightly to his hand and made a run for it through the courtyard. Running fast until we both made it safely behind a half wall entering into another Corridor. God. Sometimes I sure am glad that Hogwarts was a bit of a maze.

"I know someone's out here." Filch's voice sounded from behind us.

"We've-" Harry went to say when I slapped my hand over his mouth, shooting him a 'hush' look with my eyes. We both listened as Filch shuffled around the courtyard before his footsteps began to sound more and more distant, walking in a direction moving further from where the two of us sat still.

"I think we're safe." I whispered towards Harry, taking my hand off of his mouth.

"Did you have to grab my face like that?" He laughed.

"Shut up."

He stood back up, holding out his hand to help me get back up, "No can do. You love my voice too much."

I balled my fist up onto the collar of his shirt, gripping the knot of his tie as I had him pressed up against the wall- just inches away from his lips. "Is that right?" I smirked. The only sound you could hear was the sound of our breathing- heavier than usual after the amount of running we've had to do just now. Harry's chest had slowly been rising against my own. Quickly, I let go of him and took a step back.

"Feeling better?" He asked me, brushing his fingertips against mine before moving his hand away. His eyes were locked on his shoes before looking back up towards me.

"We should get to the common room," I spoke, "before Filch sends Mrs. Norris out here to double check the area."


Ron and Hermoine entered the common room after class, joining both Harry and I on the couch.

"Draco kept turning his head towards us during class," Hermoine informed me, "I've just assumed he was searching for the one person who wasn't there."

"Let him." I answered, "I stayed out of trouble."

"Almost didn't." blurted Harry.

"Hush, Potter." I placed my finger against his lips, "Filch never saw us."

"You should've just gone to class, Drea." said Hermoine.

"Did we happen to miss anything?" I asked her.

"Well, no. But-"

"Exactly." I interrupted her.

"But-" She continued, "-it was the first day."

"Hermoine?" I asked, calmly.


"Wouldn't you have given me any assignment I would've missed... if we recieved them?"

"Yes..?" She spoke; it came out more of a question as confusion filled her voice, "I always help you three with missed assignments."

"Exactly." I smiled, "And, did we have-?"


"Good." I shot up a thumbs up, "Then I didn't miss anything." Of course, if Draco was actually looking over to find me.. I may have to deal with that later on. But, there's no way he'd ever snitch on his favorite family member.

"The class?" I asked Hermoine and Ron, "It was Professor Snape's, wasn't it?"

"Yeah." spoke Ron.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts. Surprised he was given- Wait a second." said Hermoine, "Is that why you didn't go?"

"What?" I laughed nervously, "No. A girl can't just take a minute to be with herself?"

"Drea." Harry spoke softly towards me. He placed his palm on my thigh, quickly moving it away as Hermoine caught a glance.

"And so what if I did?" I answered, "He can't force me to go to class." A lie. He definitely could. My parents are highly strict when it comes to success in our education and the way we present ourselves in our world; Snape could have absolutely destroyed me with just one phone call to Mother. "Anyways.." I grabbed the textbook from the pile of books sat next to Hermoine, "Just go through with the lesson with us so we'd be caught up for the next class - Neither of them can get too upset with me if I already taught myself the work I've missed."

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