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"I love you."

Gina Schumacher smiled as she spun herself around whilst standing in the design studio that belonged to her best friend, a dress on her body which had been made just for her.

It was a long sleeved dress with ruffled cuffs around her wrists, the dress hovering just above her ankles, the base of the dress flaring out slightly, it's glittered texture being something that the German girl absolutely loved.

It made it even better knowing that her best friend had made it for her even though she had hated the texture of the glitter effect fabric, carrying on only because of how much she knew that her best friend would like it.

"But do you love the dress?"

Lennox Knight muttered tiredly, her hands rubbing at her exhausted red eyes, having not slept for three days because she had wanted to get the dress right for the Schumacher girl that she proudly called her best friend.

Gina released a deep sigh as she surged forwards, hugging her best friend momentarily before she jumped backwards, not wanting her to be uncomfortable with the dress texture on her skin.

"I absolutely love it, Len!"

"Great." Lennox smiled sheepishly, grabbing her bag from her chair so that she could throw it over her shoulder, taking a hold of her sweater and the keys to her studio.

"You okay to lock up? I'm gonna sleep before it's too late and my body won't let me." The Knight girl muttered, fingers fumbling to put her phone in to her bag.

"Go, I've got it." Gina reassured gently, taking the keys to the studio out of the grasp of her best friend, watching as her best friend then ran out of the studio as if it was on fire.

Gina quickly pulled out her own phone, typing a message out to her brother.

GINNY WEASLEY: Len might be coming your way, you better be awake.

MICKEY MOUSE: Getting my sweater ready as we speak.

Mick Schumacher smiled softly as he heard a light knock on his front door, opening it to reveal the beautiful face of his Lex.

He didn't even need to say anything as Lennox surged forwards to bury her face in to his neck, his arms wrapping around her small frame. His lips pressed softly against the top of her head, hearing a small sigh leave her lips, her arms tightening around his waist ever so slightly.

"You coming for a sleepover, Lex?"

Mick smiled as the Knight girl stepped away from him, nodding her head up and down a couple of times, which made her wild and untamed hair shake and move.

The Schumacher boy led her carefully to his bedroom, which held his bed where he had placed a giant fluffy blanket over the top, and a pair of his sweatpants and a matching sweater that he knew that she loved.

He grinned to himself as she immediately grabbed a hold of them, running in to his bathroom so that she could change in to them, once returning the Knight girl did a small spin to show off how she looked within them.

The two of them climbed in to the German boys bed and pulled the duvet and blankets up to the chins so that they were nice and warm and comfy, with Lennox using his shoulder as a place for her to rest her head.

Mick's arm loosely wrapped around her waist, staying there for the duration of their sleepover.

The two spoke to one another over stupid things for just a mere couple of moments before soft angelic snores left the lips of the brunette girl, the hand of the Schumacher boy grazing gently over her soft features.

BFB // MICK SCHUMACHERWhere stories live. Discover now