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"Mon rayon de soleil, is that a boy's sweatshirt?"

Leon Knight questioned his daughter as the girl climbed in to his car, wearing a sweatshirt with white, red and blue colors, which did not belong to her.

He noticed his daughters eyes were red, and her under eyes were purple, which signalled to him that once again that his daughter was not getting enough sleep.

She seemed to be comfy in the sweatshirt, since she clung to the cuffs at the bottom of the sleeves like it was a lifeline and he couldn't help but smile softly as he noticed how much calmer she actually looked.

"It's Mick's." Lennox Knight muttered quietly, finding that as soon as his name left her lips, that she began to curl up in to the sweater, as if he was there with her and providing her with comfort.

"Gina's brother?" Leon raised an eyebrow at the girl as she nodded her head up and down slowly, whilst chewing on her bottom lip.

"Yeah. He gave me his sweater." Lennox muttered whilst her father was driving.

Her breathing steady and calm since she could smell and inhale the scent of the Schumacher boy, because he had sprayed his cologne on to the fabric to allow the girl to stay calm due to the fact that he had found out that she calmed down when she was either around him, or able to smell a scent that reminded her of him.

It was same with Gina.

"Is he nice? Does he look after you?" Leon questioned as he drove her towards an area where she was always able to relax.

He wanted to know if Mick was good to her and looked after her, because she was his daughter, his little girl.

He trusted Gina blindly since he was very well aware of how much she had done for his daughter, but he was worried about her brother.

"Of course he does. He makes me feel safe. Just like Gina does." Lennox found herself smiling at the thought of him, since she could now confidently say that he was her second best friend.

Behind only that of his sister, Gina Schumacher.

It was strange though, because she couldn't explain the butterflies that filled her when she was around him or when he was holding her hand.

She figured that it was because he was a boy, and that she just wasn't used to being around boys her age.

That and that he was her first friend who was a boy.

"Are you sure that it's only like that?" Leon asked the younger Knight, seeing her face fill with confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you sure that there's no romantic feelings between the two of you?" Leon could see the look on her face, where she seemed confused as to why he would suggest anything other than them being friends and furrowed her eyebrows together.

"Why would there be? Gina is my best friend and he's my second best friend. I wouldn't date my best friend's brother, papa." Lennox frowned as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"But you do care about him, don't you?"

"Yes, because he's my second best friend so of course I care about him! That's like me asking you if you care about your best friend!"

"No, because my best friend is a guy and I'm not gay. You are a woman with a male friend." Leon shook his head from side to side with a fond smile on his face.

"And? Are you saying that because I'm a woman that I can't be friends with a man?" Lennox fired back at her father, narrowing her eyes in to slits.

"No, I am just saying that it can start as a friendship but turn in to something more." Leon tried to place his hand on the knee of his daughter, but pulled back immediately as she flinched as soon as his hand touched her knee cap.

"But it won't, because he's my friend!"

Leon slowly nodded his head up and down as he decided not to argue anymore with her, since he knew that it would only get her worked up.

But he knew a hundred percent that he was right.

What she had with Mick, was never going to stay as a friendship.

Even if she didn't know yet or believe it, she was going to be falling in love with her best friends brother.



Gina Schumacher laughed loudly as both her best friend Lennox and herself were hitting the other with pillows, having decided to have a pillow fight.

It was the middle of the night and Lennox had not been able to sleep because of Gina who had been snoring, so once Gina had woke up, she suggested a pillow fight.

That she was losing.

Lennox Knight was repeatedly pummelling her best friend with a pillow held firmly in her grasp. She didn't hold back from sending the pillow in to the German's face, as payback for all of the times where she had been kept awake by her snoring.

"Don't snore then, bitch!" Lennox laughed as Gina had resorted to using her pillow as a shield from the attacks by the American-French woman.

"I can't help it!" Gina laughed as she pushed her body forwards, using the pillow clutched in front of her face to push her best friend back slightly.

"Then I can't help it, either!" Lennox swung the pillow that was in her hand at the blonde's head.

As soon as the pillow hit the head of the female Schumacher sibling, she found that her body was sent flying off her bed from the force within the hit, with her body hitting the ground hard.

The two best friends smiled at each other, before the pair found themselves erupting in to laughter, seemingly forgetting that it was currently three in the morning.

The two of them placed their pillows back on to the bed of the Schumacher girl, as Lennox held her hand out to the German to help her up.

Gina found herself crawling in to her bed and underneath her sheets as she noticed that Lennox was doing the same, sliding in beside her.

Lennox noticed how her best friend held her arms out for her, allowing her to curl up beside her whilst the Schumacher woman wrapped her arms around her best friend in the hope that she would have a peaceful sleep.

And she did.

Dreaming of a blonde haired German boy with Ocean blue eyes.



Here is chapter six, I hope this is good enough

What do you think?

What do you think of Lennox?

Please do check out my other books because I feel like they deserve some love!

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy this, and I'll see you all soon for the next one

I'm so proud of all of you, my loves

Love you all,


BFB // MICK SCHUMACHERWhere stories live. Discover now