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"Lex, are you sure that you're okay?"

Mick Schumacher crouched down in front of brunette girl who was the best friend of his sister, Gina, in concern for her as she began to breathe heavily.

Lennox Knight stared down at the male Schumacher sibling with wide and terrified eyes as she was trying to control and slow down her breathing but found herself unable to.

Her hands were violently shaking and her legs were wobbly almost as if they were about to give way.

Her throat was as dry as the Sahara desert as her nose began to run, with tears starting to form in her tear ducts therefore making her eyes appear glassy.

Her bottom lip trembled as she stared hopelessly at the male Schumacher sibling, wishing with every ounce of her being that somehow he would be able to magic whatever it was that she was feeling away and out of her system.

"Lex, just listen to my voice, okay? I'm going to help you through this." Mick attempted to soothe her as he was forced to wait for Gina's arrival.

He had no idea what had happened.

One minute, Lennox was walking beside him with a coffee in her hand as they were making their way back to the Haas garage, since he was slowly trying to make the surroundings for her more comfortable, and the next, her coffee had fallen out of her hand and to the floor as she began to panic.

He really didn't want to place his hands on her trembling frame, since he was aware that he would then face the possibility that it would only make things a hell of a lot worse.

He just wanted her to be okay.

He could very clearly see the pure terror that was lurking in her eyes as she panicked, and he could very clearly see the toll on her body that the hyperventilating and panic was causing, but he did not know what to do.

He had studied the symptoms of anxiety and what to do when people had panic attacks and begin to hyperventilate, but even with his studying and all the time that he had spent reading, he just did not know if he was capable of helping the terrified woman.

Lennox had to force her own head to nod as she stared aimlessly in the bright, sparkling blue of his eyes, attempting to calm down from her sudden outburst.

"Okay, I need you to take a deep breath in, and hold it for five seconds. Can you do that for me, Lex?" Mick held his hands out with his palms flat towards her as if she was a raging bull that he was trying to tame.

Lennox attempted to follow his orders, trying to breathe in and hold it, but more tears left her eyes as she was unable to do so, a pain immediately shooting up inside her chest.

Mick's bright blue eyes held tears of his own as he heard a strained sob leave her throat before she frantically shook her head from side to side, having to shut her eyes to avoid any more tears leaking out of them.

It physically hurt him knowing that she was upset and crying, and that he was completely unable to help her, since all he had wanted to do was to pull her against his chest and hug her until she calmed, but he knew that he couldn't do that.

Because Lennox Knight hated physical touch with anyone who was not his sister, Gina Schumacher.

"Okay, so if you can't do that, then I need you to do something else for me, okay? Can you do that for me, Lex?" Mick once again attempted to soothe her.

Lennox had to once again force her head to move, this time in an up and down movement as she forced her head to nod.

"I need you, to think about your favorite place. The place where you feel safe and at home. Think about it as hard as you possibly can, and imagine that you are in that place."

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