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"Papa, where did mama go?"

A young Lennox Knight questioned her father anxiously, chewing on her fingernails and the skin around them until they bled.

Leon Knight faltered in his steps at the sound of his young daughters timid voice, turning his body around to see the girl staring up at him whilst her body shook.

He knew that she had seen that all of her mothers belongings had disappeared.

"She has left, ma rayon de soleil. I am so sorry."

His arms reached out to his daughter in an attempt to wrap them around her to comfort her, but he was forced to frown as she flinched back away from him and his soft touch.

"She has abandoned us..."

Her frail voice sounded, her shaking body stilling whilst her breathing began to quicken, hands violently trembling whilst her eyes became glassy from tears appearing in them.

"We don't need her, Lennox. You and I can take on the world together." Leon smiled gently at his daughter in an attempt to comfort her, knowing that because she was so young that it would be deeply upsetting for her.

Her mother had abandoned her because she had been diagnosed with Autism. She had said that it was because she hadn't signed up to have a freak as a daughter.

But he knew something that she didn't.

His Lennox Knight was no freak.

Lennox was his ray of sunshine. His blinding light. His partner in crime and his little sidekick. His little girl. His baby girl. His perfect little princess.

His daughter.

"The world. Yeah." Lennox muttered underneath her breath, a small huff leaving her lips as she stared at her hands in sadness.

"Ma rayon de soleil, you do not need a mother like her. All you need are people who will always be by your side."

Leon twirled a piece of her brown curly hair within his fingers, gaining her attention so that he could look her deep in the eyes.

"Like you, papa?"

He released a small sigh, a ghost of a smile appearing on his lips from the look of hope which was held within her eyes.

"Yes, like me."


"Keep looking at me, Len."

Gina Schumacher spoke sternly at her best friend, of who was suffering a panic attack whilst they had gone grocery shopping together.

Lennox clung to her sleeves desperately, feeling her chest constricting from the lack of oxygen that she was suffering from, which made her wince every single time that she tried to breathe in.

Her eyes were glassy and panicked, bottom lip trembling as her mouth became as dry as a desert. Her heart was rapidly pounding, and she felt like the organ could come out of her chest from how hard it was beating.

BFB // MICK SCHUMACHERUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum